Saturday, April 26, 2008

Omaira Valencia: A Teacher's Role

Learning as a process of communication requires specific skills of the people who give the knowledge. Recent researches in Australia have identified that qualities of teachers have a dominant effect in student learning. For that reason, despite the other factors, I believe teachers are critical factor in a student success as a consequence of specific teacher skills in cognitive aspects and behaviour aspects.

The cognitive aspects mean that teacher knows how to control the matter. Teacher is who chooses "what" and "how" the message will be sent. In other words teacher needs, not only knowledge about the matter, but also, knowledge about the effective methods of learning process in order to obtain a successful class.

Other important aspect is teacher's behaviour. Behaviour aspects imply a positive relation with the students. Teacher should encourage tolerance and respect, because class environments affect the learning process. Students are very sensitive to nonverbal message and perceive any kind of rejection. Other facet of behaviour aspect is the teacher commitment. However, it is different the commitment to the subject or the commitment to learning process. One teacher can be very interested in his or her subject, but disengagement from the process of learning with all or some pupils.

In conclusion, despite the importance of the roll of students, the success or failure in the learning process has in the teacher a critical factor. Teacher skills in cognitive and behaviour aspects and the kind of commitment are fundamental stones in the construction of knowledge. I believe that teachers are the key to student success. "Teachers make a difference".

Omaira Valencia

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Valeriy Demidov: Multilingual School

At the present time, many young people leave their native countries to receive an international education and experience, and many families immigrate to developed countries. Therefore the importance of multilingual schools, colleges and universities increases. As all social institutes, the multilingual schools have both advantages and disadvantages.

Multilingual schools have several important benefits. Students with different backgrounds learn an international language together and help each other to understand its vocabulary and expressions. For example, some words in Russian have the roots in English, and many English words are cognizable in Spanish; it permits to classmates from Russia and Spain to work together usefully. So at cooperative studies all students gain valuable experience in collaboration and socialization. At the some time, they learn about various cultures, traditions and history of nations from their classmates and friends. Sometimes it is difficult to find information about some ethnic cultures and traditions, facts of contemporary history, but it is easy to know about them from people of these cultures.

Of course multilingual schools have some disadvantages too. For instance, the limited skills in an international language put obstacles in rapid and deep assimilation of subjects, especially in natural sciences. After improving their language skills students can learn all subjects effectively. Another problem that may appear in multilingual classes is inter-racial conflicts which may be the result of ignorance or antagonism with other cultures and traditions. Often someone offends other person not purposely, but through ignorance of the culture of the person. The students should have sufficient tolerance to other nations and races.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the advantages of multilingual schools outweigh the disadvantages. During the education in this kind of schools and dealing with problems that appear in international groups, students learn socialization skills and become better prepared for their future lives.

Galina Kazakova: Multilingual School

Usually immigrant children forget their first languages during adaptation
to a new country. They lose the value that was given them from their birth. How to keep it? Multilingual schools were founded to solve this problem. However, like any new method, they have their pros and cons.
Multilingual schools have some advantages. The first pro, I think, is that kids can keep their first language. They interact with other students in their native languages, so they can practice not only at home but also at school. They study reading and writing with professional teachers not just with parents. The second positive point, in my opinion, is that kids feel more self-confident and less intimidated from the first days at school. They are involved in various activities with same-language students at once, so they do not feel isolated. Therefore, they easily make new friends. Language is a basis of culture, so it helps them to learn and keep their traditions.
At the same time I can see some cons of multilingual school. First of all, students are separated in same-language groups, but for quicker assimilation, it is better to blend in with other students. Besides, I suppose such an education method slows down studying English. The more time kids practice in their first language, the less time they practice in their second language.
Despite the fact that the pros outweigh the cons of multilingual school, I would prefer my daughter to go to usual public schools to adapt to the new environment faster. She is fourteen, so she will never forget her first language.
More important for her is English now. However, for younger children, who go to preschool or elementary school, multilingual school is good decision.