Why do women always complain that men don’t talk or listen to them? Why do men always complain that they’re puzzled about women’s talking? There is not only a difference of appearance between a man and a woman, but there is also a difference in communication rituals between them. Making talk between women and men is just like cross-cultural communication says D.Tannen. Women regard communication as the cornerstone of relationship; they care about the sense of closeness “of a like shared”. However, men don’t treat communication as the cement that binds a relationship, they think that relationship is based more on doing things together. According to Deborah Tannen, these communication woes that resulte in communication between men and women are different in many ways, such as interpretation and response, listening to body language.
The communication between men and women are different in the way of interpretation and response. Men and women can walk away from the same conversation with totally different interpretation because women literalize the subject differently from men. For example, Susan felt dreadful that she had put on some weight after the vacation; Brain tried to cheer her up by saying, “It is good because you will not feel cold anymore during the winter time, and you can always have the leather clothes on.” She was freaked out. She just wanted him to tell her that she didn’t look fat. For women, they usually take a tease too literally. They don’t have enough sense of humor sometimes, and they are always too sensitive about teasing. In contrast, men feel that flint teasing is a way they show affection. They would not talk that way to someone they didn’t feel close to. In addition, men and women are also confused by “trouble talk”. For women, talking about troubles is simply trying to establish a kind of intimacy. They are not looking for man to give them advice or fix their problems; all they wanted were men understanding how they feel and show their empathy. Women feel that a man offers advice as if he is trying to reduce her problem or cut her off. However, men treat “trouble talk” as a request for advice, so they consider give response with a solution as being supportive, because men do not talk to each other about their troubles unless they really want a solution.
The way of listening to body language is also quite different between men and women. The linguist Lynette Hirschmand found that women make more listener noise than men. When women talk to each other, they are used to making listener noise, such as “mhm,” “uhuh,” and “yeah,” to show “I am with you.” They also overlap, repeat each other’s sentences and expect what the other is about to say. On the other hand, men often give silent attention. They feel the listener noise an overreaction and impatience as well as lack of attention. Furthermore, the impression of not listening results from the difference of physical position “eye contact” between men and women. Girls in all ages face each other directly when they talk. The direct gaze cues are a sign of the amount of attention and respect. But for men, the process is different from women. Men tend to sit at angles or parallel and look at anything except each other. The direct gaze signal aggression, and they are likely to stare their opponents down. It feels just like a challenge.
In short, men use “agonistic” format to do almost anything; thus they view a conversation as a kind of competitive sport. In contrast, women see conversation as a ritual means of establishing rapport. However, communication is needed for both genders to be able to understand each other well. Having a deeper awareness of how differently men and women communicate is essential to prevent arguments and misunderstanding. Always think about the way you communicate to others and pay attention to your body language with will help you communicate better.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Ardeshir Nowzari: Communicatio
According to psychologist research, children’s development is most influenced by social structure of peer interaction. Communication between girls and boys takes place differently. Girls build and maintain friendship by exchanging secrets, but boys are interested in doing tasks together instead of verbal interaction. That is why men do not know what kind of talk women want and misunderstand them. While in term of mechanism of conversation there are another opposite trends. For example men prefer to sit in angels to each other and look else while they talking, but women try to face each other and look directly into the eyes of speaker. So in communications between men and women, the female side doesn’t receive the needed feedback from the male side and find herself unimportant.
Another aspect of communication differences between men and women is body language, men usually show a different habit toward their female counterparts. They are often among them men switching the topic toward themselves which offends the women. In other hand boys dismiss problems which reflecting another obstacle for the girls as they are in favor of sharing and finding a common understand of them. women receive lack of attention in term of linguist Lynette as the men do not eager to have a lot of listener-noise, such as “mhm,” “uhuh,” and “yeah” which show being with speaker. Men are more often giving silent attention and get upset to receive a stream of female listener noise. In term of conversational hobbits, women talk to each other in a close, comfortable setting and overlap each other’s speeches, but men expect silent attention and interpret a listener noise as impatience or overreaction.
There are many differences between men and women in their communicational style, but The most important terms of communicational differences are linguistic and body language. The very best way to improve the communication obstacles is helping both sexes to get familiar with each other’s interpretation of a good communication style.
Another aspect of communication differences between men and women is body language, men usually show a different habit toward their female counterparts. They are often among them men switching the topic toward themselves which offends the women. In other hand boys dismiss problems which reflecting another obstacle for the girls as they are in favor of sharing and finding a common understand of them. women receive lack of attention in term of linguist Lynette as the men do not eager to have a lot of listener-noise, such as “mhm,” “uhuh,” and “yeah” which show being with speaker. Men are more often giving silent attention and get upset to receive a stream of female listener noise. In term of conversational hobbits, women talk to each other in a close, comfortable setting and overlap each other’s speeches, but men expect silent attention and interpret a listener noise as impatience or overreaction.
There are many differences between men and women in their communicational style, but The most important terms of communicational differences are linguistic and body language. The very best way to improve the communication obstacles is helping both sexes to get familiar with each other’s interpretation of a good communication style.
Friday, October 24, 2008
The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini (New York: Riverhead books, 2003) is a unique novel written in English as second language of the author. The author’s experience may be one of the most important motives of this story. It is set against a background of events, from communist coup d’état and Russian military occupation to the escape of refugees to Pakistan and America and the Taliban regime. In this story, there are many themes, such as conflicts among family, refracted friendship, love and jealousy, secret and betrayal, guilt and redemption, and even ethnic, religion and sex discriminations. In my opinion, this is a beautiful story because it has lots of good points, even if there are some criticizable weaknesses in the construction of fiction.
The Kite Runner tells the story of Amir, a well-to-do boy from Kabul, who is troubled by the remorse of betraying Hassan, his devoted childhood friend who is the son of Ali, a servant. On the day of kite fighting, Amir witnesses Hassan be raped but not helps him cowardly. He goes so far as to drive his servants out of house. When the Russians invade Afghanistan, Amir and Baba, his father, escape to Pakistan and then to America. In America, Amir gets married to Soraya, Baba dies of cancer, and Amir becomes a successful writer. After many long years, Rahim Khan, Baba’s business partner and his confidant, asks Amir to go to Pakistan, for "there is a way to be good again."(1) Amir agree to go to Pakistan to redeem his sin, and returns to Taliban-controlled Kabul, rescues Hassan's son, Sohrab, and adopts and takes him back to America. In the vortex of adoption, the Sohrap commits suicide, that’s why he is emotionally hurt and only keeps silence. In the end, Sohrab begins to interact with Amir again through the kite. Amir runs the kite for Sohrab, saying, "For you, a thousand times over,"(417) like Hassan said him.
The Kite Runner, first of all, is a piece of successful work because of some literal merits. In general, an outstanding literary work needs the writer’s power of description. For instance, for me, the expressions such as “The sky is seamless and blue, the snow so white my eyes burn.”(45) sound like a poem. Another characteristic in booming works is the originality or specialty of writing ideas. The author illustrated the particular life of Afghan including the kite tournament, racism to Hazara, and even traditional wedding clothes vividly. I could comparatively improve my comprehension of Afghanistan through this novel. In addition to, a good novel means the pleasure of reading. The writer realistically showed the passing history and actual state of the strange land to me. That is why this novel is worthy of my notice. Before I read this story, I did not know about the tragedy of Afghan and Afghanistan. Fortunately, reading the Kite Runner was a wonderful experience for me.
The Kite Runner, however, has some defects of its qualities in the fictitious construction. These plots are too artificial due to a curious coincidence. For example, as a teenager, Assef, a Nazi sympathizer, rapes Hassan, and as an adult he sexually assaults Sohrab, after he becomes a Talib-executioner. I cannot believe a father and a son, both of them can be violated by one person. Besides, Sohrab severely damages one of Assef's eyes by a slingshot. This action scene is not a real situation like James Bond style movies. Likewise, Sohrab’s suicide also is not a rational scene. Usually, children around that age would not even think of suicide at all. Moreover, the author tends to forcibly tell his story through a logical leap. Especially, it is hard for me to approve the story flow a typical coward can become a brave fighter abruptly. It may be not necessary to configure the plot to reveal suddenly the secret of Hassan’s birth, even though it is to lay writer’s intention to show Baba’s lie and make Amir decide to rescue Hassan’s son. Accordingly, I felt the flows of this story were too common and unprofessional.
The Kite Runner, absolutely, is a remarkable and extraordinary story. That’s why this novel had not only become a New York Times bestseller, but also translated in many languages. In addition, it even adapted into the movie of the same name. In spite of the fame, this story might be a patronizing Afghan-American hero’s epic at the slightest slip. This pro-American book, personally I think, timely justified the America’s attack against Afghanistan under the rule of Taliban. To conclude, this novel will be a great book just as long as we disregard some weak points in the flows and watch carefully the hidden propaganda.
The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini (New York: Riverhead books, 2003) is a unique novel written in English as second language of the author. The author’s experience may be one of the most important motives of this story. It is set against a background of events, from communist coup d’état and Russian military occupation to the escape of refugees to Pakistan and America and the Taliban regime. In this story, there are many themes, such as conflicts among family, refracted friendship, love and jealousy, secret and betrayal, guilt and redemption, and even ethnic, religion and sex discriminations. In my opinion, this is a beautiful story because it has lots of good points, even if there are some criticizable weaknesses in the construction of fiction.
The Kite Runner tells the story of Amir, a well-to-do boy from Kabul, who is troubled by the remorse of betraying Hassan, his devoted childhood friend who is the son of Ali, a servant. On the day of kite fighting, Amir witnesses Hassan be raped but not helps him cowardly. He goes so far as to drive his servants out of house. When the Russians invade Afghanistan, Amir and Baba, his father, escape to Pakistan and then to America. In America, Amir gets married to Soraya, Baba dies of cancer, and Amir becomes a successful writer. After many long years, Rahim Khan, Baba’s business partner and his confidant, asks Amir to go to Pakistan, for "there is a way to be good again."(1) Amir agree to go to Pakistan to redeem his sin, and returns to Taliban-controlled Kabul, rescues Hassan's son, Sohrab, and adopts and takes him back to America. In the vortex of adoption, the Sohrap commits suicide, that’s why he is emotionally hurt and only keeps silence. In the end, Sohrab begins to interact with Amir again through the kite. Amir runs the kite for Sohrab, saying, "For you, a thousand times over,"(417) like Hassan said him.
The Kite Runner, first of all, is a piece of successful work because of some literal merits. In general, an outstanding literary work needs the writer’s power of description. For instance, for me, the expressions such as “The sky is seamless and blue, the snow so white my eyes burn.”(45) sound like a poem. Another characteristic in booming works is the originality or specialty of writing ideas. The author illustrated the particular life of Afghan including the kite tournament, racism to Hazara, and even traditional wedding clothes vividly. I could comparatively improve my comprehension of Afghanistan through this novel. In addition to, a good novel means the pleasure of reading. The writer realistically showed the passing history and actual state of the strange land to me. That is why this novel is worthy of my notice. Before I read this story, I did not know about the tragedy of Afghan and Afghanistan. Fortunately, reading the Kite Runner was a wonderful experience for me.
The Kite Runner, however, has some defects of its qualities in the fictitious construction. These plots are too artificial due to a curious coincidence. For example, as a teenager, Assef, a Nazi sympathizer, rapes Hassan, and as an adult he sexually assaults Sohrab, after he becomes a Talib-executioner. I cannot believe a father and a son, both of them can be violated by one person. Besides, Sohrab severely damages one of Assef's eyes by a slingshot. This action scene is not a real situation like James Bond style movies. Likewise, Sohrab’s suicide also is not a rational scene. Usually, children around that age would not even think of suicide at all. Moreover, the author tends to forcibly tell his story through a logical leap. Especially, it is hard for me to approve the story flow a typical coward can become a brave fighter abruptly. It may be not necessary to configure the plot to reveal suddenly the secret of Hassan’s birth, even though it is to lay writer’s intention to show Baba’s lie and make Amir decide to rescue Hassan’s son. Accordingly, I felt the flows of this story were too common and unprofessional.
The Kite Runner, absolutely, is a remarkable and extraordinary story. That’s why this novel had not only become a New York Times bestseller, but also translated in many languages. In addition, it even adapted into the movie of the same name. In spite of the fame, this story might be a patronizing Afghan-American hero’s epic at the slightest slip. This pro-American book, personally I think, timely justified the America’s attack against Afghanistan under the rule of Taliban. To conclude, this novel will be a great book just as long as we disregard some weak points in the flows and watch carefully the hidden propaganda.
The Kite Runner tells the story of Amir, a well-to-do boy from Kabul, who is troubled by the remorse of betraying Hassan, his devoted childhood friend who is the son of Ali, a servant. On the day of kite fighting, Amir witnesses Hassan be raped but not helps him cowardly. He goes so far as to drive his servants out of house. When the Russians invade Afghanistan, Amir and Baba, his father, escape to Pakistan and then to America. In America, Amir gets married to Soraya, Baba dies of cancer, and Amir becomes a successful writer. After many long years, Rahim Khan, Baba’s business partner and his confidant, asks Amir to go to Pakistan, for "there is a way to be good again."(1) Amir agree to go to Pakistan to redeem his sin, and returns to Taliban-controlled Kabul, rescues Hassan's son, Sohrab, and adopts and takes him back to America. In the vortex of adoption, the Sohrap commits suicide, that’s why he is emotionally hurt and only keeps silence. In the end, Sohrab begins to interact with Amir again through the kite. Amir runs the kite for Sohrab, saying, "For you, a thousand times over,"(417) like Hassan said him.
The Kite Runner, first of all, is a piece of successful work because of some literal merits. In general, an outstanding literary work needs the writer’s power of description. For instance, for me, the expressions such as “The sky is seamless and blue, the snow so white my eyes burn.”(45) sound like a poem. Another characteristic in booming works is the originality or specialty of writing ideas. The author illustrated the particular life of Afghan including the kite tournament, racism to Hazara, and even traditional wedding clothes vividly. I could comparatively improve my comprehension of Afghanistan through this novel. In addition to, a good novel means the pleasure of reading. The writer realistically showed the passing history and actual state of the strange land to me. That is why this novel is worthy of my notice. Before I read this story, I did not know about the tragedy of Afghan and Afghanistan. Fortunately, reading the Kite Runner was a wonderful experience for me.
The Kite Runner, however, has some defects of its qualities in the fictitious construction. These plots are too artificial due to a curious coincidence. For example, as a teenager, Assef, a Nazi sympathizer, rapes Hassan, and as an adult he sexually assaults Sohrab, after he becomes a Talib-executioner. I cannot believe a father and a son, both of them can be violated by one person. Besides, Sohrab severely damages one of Assef's eyes by a slingshot. This action scene is not a real situation like James Bond style movies. Likewise, Sohrab’s suicide also is not a rational scene. Usually, children around that age would not even think of suicide at all. Moreover, the author tends to forcibly tell his story through a logical leap. Especially, it is hard for me to approve the story flow a typical coward can become a brave fighter abruptly. It may be not necessary to configure the plot to reveal suddenly the secret of Hassan’s birth, even though it is to lay writer’s intention to show Baba’s lie and make Amir decide to rescue Hassan’s son. Accordingly, I felt the flows of this story were too common and unprofessional.
The Kite Runner, absolutely, is a remarkable and extraordinary story. That’s why this novel had not only become a New York Times bestseller, but also translated in many languages. In addition, it even adapted into the movie of the same name. In spite of the fame, this story might be a patronizing Afghan-American hero’s epic at the slightest slip. This pro-American book, personally I think, timely justified the America’s attack against Afghanistan under the rule of Taliban. To conclude, this novel will be a great book just as long as we disregard some weak points in the flows and watch carefully the hidden propaganda.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Hoo S. Pai: Kite Runner
The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini (New York: Riverhead books, 2003) is a unique novel written in English as second language of the author. The author’s experience may be one of the most important motives of this story. It is set against a background of events, from communist coup d’état and Russian military occupation to the escape of refugees to Pakistan and America and the Taliban regime. In this story, there are many themes, such as conflicts among family, refracted friendship, love and jealousy, secret and betrayal, guilt and redemption, and even ethnic, religion and sex discriminations. In my opinion, this is a beautiful story because it has lots of good points, even if there are some criticizable weaknesses in the construction of fiction.
The Kite Runner tells the story of Amir, a well-to-do boy from Kabul, who is troubled by the remorse of betraying Hassan, his devoted childhood friend who is the son of Ali, a servant. On the day of kite fighting, Amir witnesses Hassan be raped but not helps him cowardly. He goes so far as to drive his servants out of house. When the Russians invade Afghanistan, Amir and Baba, his father, escape to Pakistan and then to America. In America, Amir gets married to Soraya, Baba dies of cancer, and Amir becomes a successful writer. After many long years, Rahim Khan, Baba’s business partner and his confidant, asks Amir to go to Pakistan, for "there is a way to be good again."(1) Amir agree to go to Pakistan to redeem his sin, and returns to Taliban-controlled Kabul, rescues Hassan's son, Sohrab, and adopts and takes him back to America. In the vortex of adoption, the Sohrap commits suicide, that’s why he is emotionally hurt and only keeps silence. In the end, Sohrab begins to interact with Amir again through the kite. Amir runs the kite for Sohrab, saying, "For you, a thousand times over,"(417) like Hassan said him.
The Kite Runner, first of all, is a piece of successful work because of some literal merits. In general, an outstanding literary work needs the writer’s power of description. For instance, for me, the expressions such as “The sky is seamless and blue, the snow so white my eyes burn.”(45) sound like a poem. Another characteristic in booming works is the originality or specialty of writing ideas. The author illustrated the particular life of Afghan including the kite tournament, racism to Hazara, and even traditional wedding clothes vividly. I could comparatively improve my comprehension of Afghanistan through this novel. In addition to, a good novel means the pleasure of reading. The writer realistically showed the passing history and actual state of the strange land to me. That is why this novel is worthy of my notice. Before I read this story, I did not know about the tragedy of Afghan and Afghanistan. Fortunately, reading the Kite Runner was a wonderful experience for me.
The Kite Runner, however, has some defects of its qualities in the fictitious construction. These plots are too artificial due to a curious coincidence. For example, as a teenager, Assef, a Nazi sympathizer, rapes Hassan, and as an adult he sexually assaults Sohrab, after he becomes a Talib-executioner. I cannot believe a father and a son, both of them can be violated by one person. Besides, Sohrab severely damages one of Assef's eyes by a slingshot. This action scene is not a real situation like James Bond style movies. Likewise, Sohrab’s suicide also is not a rational scene. Usually, children around that age would not even think of suicide at all. Moreover, the author tends to forcibly tell his story through a logical leap. Especially, it is hard for me to approve the story flow a typical coward can become a brave fighter abruptly. It may be not necessary to configure the plot to reveal suddenly the secret of Hassan’s birth, even though it is to lay writer’s intention to show Baba’s lie and make Amir decide to rescue Hassan’s son. Accordingly, I felt the flows of this story were too common and unprofessional.
The Kite Runner, absolutely, is a remarkable and extraordinary story. That’s why this novel had not only become a New York Times bestseller, but also translated in many languages. In addition, it even adapted into the movie of the same name. In spite of the fame, this story might be a patronizing Afghan-American hero’s epic at the slightest slip. This pro-American book, personally I think, timely justified the America’s attack against Afghanistan under the rule of Taliban. To conclude, this novel will be a great book just as long as we disregard some weak points in the flows and watch carefully the hidden propaganda.
Hoo S. Pai: Communication
Why is it so hard for women and men to talk to each other?
Hoo S. Pai
According to “Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus” written by John Gray, relationships between women and men can be improved by understanding the communication style and emotional needs of the opposite gender. Some researchers agree with Gray's ideas about inter-gender communications differences. Especially, Deborah Tannen's studies of female and male communication find that "for women, talk creates intimacy... But men live in a hierarchical world, where talk maintains independence and status." Accordingly, it is so hard for women and men to communicate each other, because women and men are intrinsically different in their manner of expression and attitude to listening.
First of all, women and men are intrinsically different in the way they express themselves. For instance, the man usually tends to think little of his slips and not to say sorry to the woman for these mistakes. To the woman, his “no apology” means he looks down on her. Because women are sensitive to being disregarded, they insist that men should apologize. In contrast, because men are sensitive to being criticized, the more she compels him to apologize, the more he feels humiliated. On the other hand, the woman is often apt not to talk about her predicament, but to complain to have reassurance that someone understands what she feels. To the man, her “trouble talks” mean she wants advice. Because the man is not familiar with the nature of women’s complaints, he takes them literally and tries to find solutions to quandaries. In fact, because she is not looking for him to fix her problem, his effort aggravates her.
Next, women and men are intrinsically different in their attitude to listening. Sometimes, a man looks like he does not listen to what a woman says. This impression of not listening results from physical misalignments in the mechanics of conversation. Women have a tendency to face each other head-on when they talk, while men sit at angles—or even parallel—to a person. Because the direct gaze means the signal of listening for women but the eye contact the gesture of challenge for men. Likewise, analogous to the physical alignment that women and men take in conversation is their topical alignment. Generally, women tend to talk at length about on topic, but men jump from topic to topic. Switching topics is another habit that gives women the impression men are not listening. In addition, there are even simpler reasons for women’s impression that men do not listen. For example, women make more listener noise to show their concern, but men more often give silent concentration. Therefore, women who expect the so-called “participatory listenership” misinterpret men’s silence as no attention. On the other hand, men are likely to perceive the participatory listenership as interruption, intrusion and lack of attention.
In short, there are so many pitfalls in communication due to differences in the approaches of conversation between both genders. Men’s no apology and women’s trouble talks are examples of the problem of expression, physical misalignments, switching topics, and no participatory listenership illustrates the problem of listening as well. To conclude, the solution is understanding the differences. Moreover, women and men have to consider these communication traps as “neutral gender differences” and both make adjustments, so then they will achieve success in the communication to each other.
Hoo S. Pai
According to “Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus” written by John Gray, relationships between women and men can be improved by understanding the communication style and emotional needs of the opposite gender. Some researchers agree with Gray's ideas about inter-gender communications differences. Especially, Deborah Tannen's studies of female and male communication find that "for women, talk creates intimacy... But men live in a hierarchical world, where talk maintains independence and status." Accordingly, it is so hard for women and men to communicate each other, because women and men are intrinsically different in their manner of expression and attitude to listening.
First of all, women and men are intrinsically different in the way they express themselves. For instance, the man usually tends to think little of his slips and not to say sorry to the woman for these mistakes. To the woman, his “no apology” means he looks down on her. Because women are sensitive to being disregarded, they insist that men should apologize. In contrast, because men are sensitive to being criticized, the more she compels him to apologize, the more he feels humiliated. On the other hand, the woman is often apt not to talk about her predicament, but to complain to have reassurance that someone understands what she feels. To the man, her “trouble talks” mean she wants advice. Because the man is not familiar with the nature of women’s complaints, he takes them literally and tries to find solutions to quandaries. In fact, because she is not looking for him to fix her problem, his effort aggravates her.
Next, women and men are intrinsically different in their attitude to listening. Sometimes, a man looks like he does not listen to what a woman says. This impression of not listening results from physical misalignments in the mechanics of conversation. Women have a tendency to face each other head-on when they talk, while men sit at angles—or even parallel—to a person. Because the direct gaze means the signal of listening for women but the eye contact the gesture of challenge for men. Likewise, analogous to the physical alignment that women and men take in conversation is their topical alignment. Generally, women tend to talk at length about on topic, but men jump from topic to topic. Switching topics is another habit that gives women the impression men are not listening. In addition, there are even simpler reasons for women’s impression that men do not listen. For example, women make more listener noise to show their concern, but men more often give silent concentration. Therefore, women who expect the so-called “participatory listenership” misinterpret men’s silence as no attention. On the other hand, men are likely to perceive the participatory listenership as interruption, intrusion and lack of attention.
In short, there are so many pitfalls in communication due to differences in the approaches of conversation between both genders. Men’s no apology and women’s trouble talks are examples of the problem of expression, physical misalignments, switching topics, and no participatory listenership illustrates the problem of listening as well. To conclude, the solution is understanding the differences. Moreover, women and men have to consider these communication traps as “neutral gender differences” and both make adjustments, so then they will achieve success in the communication to each other.
Hoo S. Pai: Television
Do governments have right to censor television programs?
Hoo S. Pai
Generally, most governments regulate television broadcasting and control what will be shown to the public. In fact, we implicitly agree to the idea of a control of information and expect to keep our society’s soundness by blocking out nudity and violence through government interference. Therefore, it seems as if the government’s right to censor television programs is reasonable. For many people, this censorship in the media, however, symbolizes a serious violation of free speech. In addition, some people are even skeptical whether the censorship to block out violence is actually effective. Basically, I agree government’s right should be restricted to censor television programs in terms of two issues: freedom of expression and the findings of scientific studies.
Firstly, governments’ right to censor ought to be constrained because freedom of expression is one of the most important civil liberties. Free speech means that all people can say whatever they want. Therefore, any limit to freedom of expression could fall under the category of censorship. TV producers believe it damages their creativity when they have to follow censorship rules. Civil libertarians also point once the government begins to limit free speech, the limitations will increase. The less the limitation to free speech rights is, the more freedom of expression is. It is the reason why governments have to control media to a minimum.
Secondly, governments’ censorship need not to be exercised or should be partly because there is no solid evidence about the correlation between media and violence. Usually, people are likely to think media causes violence, and most parents want to protect their children from viewing violent programs. There, however, have been over 1,000 empirical researches that showed media do not cause violence. Moreover, according to a TV survey, 20% of violent teenagers were affected from media, while 43% of them from parents. This result means parents’ responsibility for violent children is even larger than TV’s. Therefore, it is not a rational attitude to accept totally the notion of media violence.
The phrase “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it,” is frequently quoted to emphasize the importance of free speech. Of course, it is not desirable to insist that every limitation to free speech rights is not good. For instance, we couldn’t accept the neo-Nazi propaganda as the free speech right, and their instigation must be controlled. That’s why governments do have right to censor influential media. The right, nevertheless, should be exercised limitedly and partly. In order to do that, governments had better participate, as a member, in the neutral commission comprised of a government agency, the parliament, TV stations, and civil organizations.
Hoo S. Pai
Generally, most governments regulate television broadcasting and control what will be shown to the public. In fact, we implicitly agree to the idea of a control of information and expect to keep our society’s soundness by blocking out nudity and violence through government interference. Therefore, it seems as if the government’s right to censor television programs is reasonable. For many people, this censorship in the media, however, symbolizes a serious violation of free speech. In addition, some people are even skeptical whether the censorship to block out violence is actually effective. Basically, I agree government’s right should be restricted to censor television programs in terms of two issues: freedom of expression and the findings of scientific studies.
Firstly, governments’ right to censor ought to be constrained because freedom of expression is one of the most important civil liberties. Free speech means that all people can say whatever they want. Therefore, any limit to freedom of expression could fall under the category of censorship. TV producers believe it damages their creativity when they have to follow censorship rules. Civil libertarians also point once the government begins to limit free speech, the limitations will increase. The less the limitation to free speech rights is, the more freedom of expression is. It is the reason why governments have to control media to a minimum.
Secondly, governments’ censorship need not to be exercised or should be partly because there is no solid evidence about the correlation between media and violence. Usually, people are likely to think media causes violence, and most parents want to protect their children from viewing violent programs. There, however, have been over 1,000 empirical researches that showed media do not cause violence. Moreover, according to a TV survey, 20% of violent teenagers were affected from media, while 43% of them from parents. This result means parents’ responsibility for violent children is even larger than TV’s. Therefore, it is not a rational attitude to accept totally the notion of media violence.
The phrase “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it,” is frequently quoted to emphasize the importance of free speech. Of course, it is not desirable to insist that every limitation to free speech rights is not good. For instance, we couldn’t accept the neo-Nazi propaganda as the free speech right, and their instigation must be controlled. That’s why governments do have right to censor influential media. The right, nevertheless, should be exercised limitedly and partly. In order to do that, governments had better participate, as a member, in the neutral commission comprised of a government agency, the parliament, TV stations, and civil organizations.
Hoo S. Pai: Music Education
Should music be incorporated in school curricula? Why?
Hoo S. Pai
People listen to different kinds of music for different purposes. Some listen to pop music for entertainment, while others even listen to classical music for psychological cure. In addition, a set of research results indicate that listening to Mozart’s music may induce a short-term improvement on the performance of certain kinds of mental tasks. So far, there have been many studies concerning the positive relationship between music and certain areas. Music, therefore, should be incorporated in school curricula because it has educational effects on the linguistic and mathematical achievement on the one hand and the intelligence improvement on the other hand.
Firstly, the linguistic and mathematical achievement by music is one of the most significant effects on the education for children. Some studies were conducted with regard to the effect of music on math and language skills. Maria Spychiger and Jean-Luc Patry investigated the effect of music on math and language learning ability through an experimental study whose subjects were seven to fifteen-year-old children. Likewise, Martin Gardiner examined that of music and art on math and language ability through an experimental study in which the age of research subjects was six to seven years old. Both studies are similar to each other in that results of study showed math and language skills improved. These findings imply more abundant music lessons have to be included in school curricula for the synergistic effect with math and foreign language lessons.
Secondly, the intelligence improvement by music is also one of the most significant effects on the education for children. Frances Rauscher conducted an experiment which was designed one group in two control sessions and one experimental session to find out if listening to the music would affect the students’ scores on tests of spatial reasoning. In next study, Frances Rauscher with her colleague, Gordon Shaw, verified the effect of music, singing, and piano on spatial reasoning abilities through an experiment in which they used one control group and two experimental groups. According to those two studies, abstract and spatial reasoning skills improved. In contrast, Christopher Chabris’ study was different from Frances Rauscher’s studies in that spatial reasoning skills did not significantly improve. No matter what statistical significances are, a lot of researches in connection with effects of music on intelligence exposed a certain correlation of both factors clearly. These findings also imply more various music lessons have to be included in school curricula for students’ intellectual achievement
In short, the implication of empirical studies in regard to the effects on the linguistic and mathematical achievement on the one hand and the intelligence improvement on the other hand is that math and language skills or abstract and spatial reasoning abilities can be improved by any kinds of music lessons. Undoubtedly, in all senses music affects on children’s education, especially math, language, and IQ. To conclude, music should be properly incorporated in school curricula because it has a clear and positive effect on our children’s academic achievement.
Hoo S. Pai
People listen to different kinds of music for different purposes. Some listen to pop music for entertainment, while others even listen to classical music for psychological cure. In addition, a set of research results indicate that listening to Mozart’s music may induce a short-term improvement on the performance of certain kinds of mental tasks. So far, there have been many studies concerning the positive relationship between music and certain areas. Music, therefore, should be incorporated in school curricula because it has educational effects on the linguistic and mathematical achievement on the one hand and the intelligence improvement on the other hand.
Firstly, the linguistic and mathematical achievement by music is one of the most significant effects on the education for children. Some studies were conducted with regard to the effect of music on math and language skills. Maria Spychiger and Jean-Luc Patry investigated the effect of music on math and language learning ability through an experimental study whose subjects were seven to fifteen-year-old children. Likewise, Martin Gardiner examined that of music and art on math and language ability through an experimental study in which the age of research subjects was six to seven years old. Both studies are similar to each other in that results of study showed math and language skills improved. These findings imply more abundant music lessons have to be included in school curricula for the synergistic effect with math and foreign language lessons.
Secondly, the intelligence improvement by music is also one of the most significant effects on the education for children. Frances Rauscher conducted an experiment which was designed one group in two control sessions and one experimental session to find out if listening to the music would affect the students’ scores on tests of spatial reasoning. In next study, Frances Rauscher with her colleague, Gordon Shaw, verified the effect of music, singing, and piano on spatial reasoning abilities through an experiment in which they used one control group and two experimental groups. According to those two studies, abstract and spatial reasoning skills improved. In contrast, Christopher Chabris’ study was different from Frances Rauscher’s studies in that spatial reasoning skills did not significantly improve. No matter what statistical significances are, a lot of researches in connection with effects of music on intelligence exposed a certain correlation of both factors clearly. These findings also imply more various music lessons have to be included in school curricula for students’ intellectual achievement
In short, the implication of empirical studies in regard to the effects on the linguistic and mathematical achievement on the one hand and the intelligence improvement on the other hand is that math and language skills or abstract and spatial reasoning abilities can be improved by any kinds of music lessons. Undoubtedly, in all senses music affects on children’s education, especially math, language, and IQ. To conclude, music should be properly incorporated in school curricula because it has a clear and positive effect on our children’s academic achievement.
Hoo S. Pai: EQ
Among the EQ skills, which ones do you find
contribute the most to success?
Hoo S. Pai
According to the theory of emotional intelligence by Daniel Goleman, understanding our emotions has a major impact on how successfully we live our lives. Psychologists agree that IQ contributes only about 20 percent to the factors that determine success, but a full 80 percent comes from other factor, as it is called emotional intelligence. The skills of this emotional intelligence include self-awareness, self-control, self-motivation, empathy and people skills. Self-awareness means the ability of understanding ourselves. Self-control relates to the skill of handling emotions. Self-motivation is how to use emotions productivity. Empathy is the understanding of other's emotions. People skills mean the approaches to relating well to people. Especially, self-motivation and people skills are the greatest contributors to success.
Self-motivation is one of the most important EQ skills. According to literal meaning, one's motivation for doing something is what causes one to want to do it. Self-motivation, therefore, means incentive, inspiration or stimulus by oneself. Daniel Goleman said that positive motivation is paramount for achievement, and that is why the ability to motivate ourselves is highly needed in our successful lives. He also pointed that self-motivation for success requires clear goals and a can-do attitude. Most behavioral scientists frequently assert that goals can do their function as inducements if only they are clear, and Martin Seligman declared that people who have optimistic attitude tend to obtain higher results even though they have no aptitude. It is beyond dispute that self-motivation through the establishment of concrete goals in life and the maintenance of optimism positively affects our prominent accomplishment.
People skills are other important set of EQ skills. Those skills are some kinds of approaches to build up good relationships among people. The capacity to know how another feels is important on the job and in other relations. Daniel Goleman emphasized that the more we have insight into the feelings behind other people's signals, the better we control the signals we send. Robert Kelly and Janet Caplan demonstrated the importance of these good interpersonal skills in their study, for good people skills result in networks. In addition, they observed that the standout performer had a network with a wide range of people. There is no doubt that people skills such as networking have a great deal of influence upon our successful lives obviously.
In short, no matter what our IQ, once again it was EQ that separates the excellent performer from the average performers. All components of EQ skills, of course, must be significant contributors to our high performance. Self-motivation and people skills, however, are more meaningful factors to success because those elements have a direct and prompt effect on our successful achievement in life.
contribute the most to success?
Hoo S. Pai
According to the theory of emotional intelligence by Daniel Goleman, understanding our emotions has a major impact on how successfully we live our lives. Psychologists agree that IQ contributes only about 20 percent to the factors that determine success, but a full 80 percent comes from other factor, as it is called emotional intelligence. The skills of this emotional intelligence include self-awareness, self-control, self-motivation, empathy and people skills. Self-awareness means the ability of understanding ourselves. Self-control relates to the skill of handling emotions. Self-motivation is how to use emotions productivity. Empathy is the understanding of other's emotions. People skills mean the approaches to relating well to people. Especially, self-motivation and people skills are the greatest contributors to success.
Self-motivation is one of the most important EQ skills. According to literal meaning, one's motivation for doing something is what causes one to want to do it. Self-motivation, therefore, means incentive, inspiration or stimulus by oneself. Daniel Goleman said that positive motivation is paramount for achievement, and that is why the ability to motivate ourselves is highly needed in our successful lives. He also pointed that self-motivation for success requires clear goals and a can-do attitude. Most behavioral scientists frequently assert that goals can do their function as inducements if only they are clear, and Martin Seligman declared that people who have optimistic attitude tend to obtain higher results even though they have no aptitude. It is beyond dispute that self-motivation through the establishment of concrete goals in life and the maintenance of optimism positively affects our prominent accomplishment.
People skills are other important set of EQ skills. Those skills are some kinds of approaches to build up good relationships among people. The capacity to know how another feels is important on the job and in other relations. Daniel Goleman emphasized that the more we have insight into the feelings behind other people's signals, the better we control the signals we send. Robert Kelly and Janet Caplan demonstrated the importance of these good interpersonal skills in their study, for good people skills result in networks. In addition, they observed that the standout performer had a network with a wide range of people. There is no doubt that people skills such as networking have a great deal of influence upon our successful lives obviously.
In short, no matter what our IQ, once again it was EQ that separates the excellent performer from the average performers. All components of EQ skills, of course, must be significant contributors to our high performance. Self-motivation and people skills, however, are more meaningful factors to success because those elements have a direct and prompt effect on our successful achievement in life.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Dorna Shekouh: Communication

In recent years, the communication styles of men and women have been studied scientifically. The primary purpose of these intensive investigations is to identify differences for the purpose of understanding and adoption. As men and women better recognize differences in communicative styles, they can work to improve their own communication with members of the opposite sex. Different interpretations of a message and body language usage cause differences in communication styles between men and women.
Differences in conversational styles of men and women result from different interpretation of a message. It states that they sometimes communicate so differently that they must come from different planets, especially when it comes to problem approaching. Women often deal with problems (like emotional concerns) by talking about them, sharing their feelings, and matching experiences with others. This can be frustrating to men, who more typically deal with problems by focusing on the facts and seeking an immediate solution. Occasionally, men perceive women to be ungrateful for the advice and solutions they offer and ponder in frustration why women do not want to resolve their problems. Similarly, when men offer a solution, rather than talking about a problem, women may feel hurt, dissatisfied and suppressed by the lack of empathy that men show. As a result, this kind of misinterpretation leads both men and women to walk away from the same conversation.
Men and women apply a variety of body languages in their communication. In non-verbal behavior, women nod their head to show they are listening. Men think that a head nod means agreement and will be surprised to find out that the woman did not agree at all. When a woman is speaking to a man and he does not say anything and stays in neutral body language to show that he is listening, a woman will interpret that as the man being bored or not understanding what sheʼs saying. This can lead the woman to become very uncomfortable, and repeat what she is saying or ask the man each time if he understands what sheʼs saying. The man, then, interprets that as talking too much and leads him to think she is not confident to be a leader. Women often approach a man from the front while men often approach from the side at an angle, which is how each of them tends to stand or sit when talking to others. Men interpret the face to face position as too personal, or aggressive and women will interpret the talking side to side as though he is not being honest or even hiding something from her.
In conclusion, women to a greater extent than men are sensitive in the messages they exchange with their mates. They are concerned with conveying information and building connections. In contrast, when men communicate, they are more concerned with conveying information and establishing status. Men and women expect different things when speaking or listening to each other.
Differences in conversational styles of men and women result from different interpretation of a message. It states that they sometimes communicate so differently that they must come from different planets, especially when it comes to problem approaching. Women often deal with problems (like emotional concerns) by talking about them, sharing their feelings, and matching experiences with others. This can be frustrating to men, who more typically deal with problems by focusing on the facts and seeking an immediate solution. Occasionally, men perceive women to be ungrateful for the advice and solutions they offer and ponder in frustration why women do not want to resolve their problems. Similarly, when men offer a solution, rather than talking about a problem, women may feel hurt, dissatisfied and suppressed by the lack of empathy that men show. As a result, this kind of misinterpretation leads both men and women to walk away from the same conversation.
Men and women apply a variety of body languages in their communication. In non-verbal behavior, women nod their head to show they are listening. Men think that a head nod means agreement and will be surprised to find out that the woman did not agree at all. When a woman is speaking to a man and he does not say anything and stays in neutral body language to show that he is listening, a woman will interpret that as the man being bored or not understanding what sheʼs saying. This can lead the woman to become very uncomfortable, and repeat what she is saying or ask the man each time if he understands what sheʼs saying. The man, then, interprets that as talking too much and leads him to think she is not confident to be a leader. Women often approach a man from the front while men often approach from the side at an angle, which is how each of them tends to stand or sit when talking to others. Men interpret the face to face position as too personal, or aggressive and women will interpret the talking side to side as though he is not being honest or even hiding something from her.
In conclusion, women to a greater extent than men are sensitive in the messages they exchange with their mates. They are concerned with conveying information and building connections. In contrast, when men communicate, they are more concerned with conveying information and establishing status. Men and women expect different things when speaking or listening to each other.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Tariq Batto: Music

Studying Music In Schools
Music might be incorporated in school because it was powered by researches done that listening to classical music may increase and improve the ability to perform certain tasks; for examples, listening to Mozart compositions may help some painters improve their skills and abilities of drawing pictures; while investigations on school children revealed that listening such music ameliorated and enhanced their capabilities of understanding academic subjects, especially mathematics.
On the other hand, music creates a sense of community among students. Therefore, teaching music in schools with the other subjects is important both students and community.
Scientists and psychologists in many parts of the world are conducting experiments on students to explore the relationship between music and solving mathematic problems. Further studies done on spatial reasoning; which is the ability of understanding how things fit together in space and time, for example putting together a puzzle. They founded that listening to Mozart’s music enhances their talents resolving mathematic exercises and spatial reasoning tests. Other studies about the sequential skills through doing activities such as counting and putting the events of a story in order, showed that children can develop and boost their natural sequence by listening to music. Works on students and children of different ages during various periods of time has been done in the University of California Irvine, U.S.A. by Frances Rauscher and Gordan show, and the same researches were carried on in Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A. by Christopher Chabis. They studied the effect of music on intelligence; the task demonstrates that music registered higher scores in IQ tests in the research subjects.
Through music students can understand others and share feelings.
Interventions of music between students contribute to wiring in their feeling and melt in one pot. For instance, during birthday parties, children enjoy themselves by listening to music and songs, or playing some musical instruments. These activities sooth their minds and fortifies their proficiency to work harder in the school. Furthermore, construction of a successful and balanced relationship between friends in the school is required from the elementary school till the graduation from university. Continuation of these relations and feelings, will lead to an opportunity to be concluded by marriage and to enjoy a pleasant and fascinating life. Also this affinity is important to build self-esteem, which helps them in their practical life.
To summarize, one can say that music has a great influence on the performance of students in school, their skills and intelligences during studying period, and then in their logical and practical life. Many articles have been published concerning music and proficiency of school children. I guess studies on the effect of music on the workers in their factories ( if doesn’t done till nowadays) could be performed. If these positive results were applied on the workers, it could play a role in the progression of the country, by increasing and improving the production.
Music might be incorporated in school because it was powered by researches done that listening to classical music may increase and improve the ability to perform certain tasks; for examples, listening to Mozart compositions may help some painters improve their skills and abilities of drawing pictures; while investigations on school children revealed that listening such music ameliorated and enhanced their capabilities of understanding academic subjects, especially mathematics.
On the other hand, music creates a sense of community among students. Therefore, teaching music in schools with the other subjects is important both students and community.
Scientists and psychologists in many parts of the world are conducting experiments on students to explore the relationship between music and solving mathematic problems. Further studies done on spatial reasoning; which is the ability of understanding how things fit together in space and time, for example putting together a puzzle. They founded that listening to Mozart’s music enhances their talents resolving mathematic exercises and spatial reasoning tests. Other studies about the sequential skills through doing activities such as counting and putting the events of a story in order, showed that children can develop and boost their natural sequence by listening to music. Works on students and children of different ages during various periods of time has been done in the University of California Irvine, U.S.A. by Frances Rauscher and Gordan show, and the same researches were carried on in Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A. by Christopher Chabis. They studied the effect of music on intelligence; the task demonstrates that music registered higher scores in IQ tests in the research subjects.
Through music students can understand others and share feelings.
Interventions of music between students contribute to wiring in their feeling and melt in one pot. For instance, during birthday parties, children enjoy themselves by listening to music and songs, or playing some musical instruments. These activities sooth their minds and fortifies their proficiency to work harder in the school. Furthermore, construction of a successful and balanced relationship between friends in the school is required from the elementary school till the graduation from university. Continuation of these relations and feelings, will lead to an opportunity to be concluded by marriage and to enjoy a pleasant and fascinating life. Also this affinity is important to build self-esteem, which helps them in their practical life.
To summarize, one can say that music has a great influence on the performance of students in school, their skills and intelligences during studying period, and then in their logical and practical life. Many articles have been published concerning music and proficiency of school children. I guess studies on the effect of music on the workers in their factories ( if doesn’t done till nowadays) could be performed. If these positive results were applied on the workers, it could play a role in the progression of the country, by increasing and improving the production.
Pooneh Okhravi: Music Education

In the whole world people speak in different languages,but all of them have a common music language. Music allows people to share emotions and feeling that are common to all of us. When we listen to music, we feel happy, sad, and depressed so it means music affects our mind and body. One of the most important effects of music is on our intelligence. Every one born with different levels of IQ, but we can improve it. Music can help children learn more by increasing IQ and teaching them how to learn new things.
In the whole world people speak in different languages,but all of them have a common music language. Music allows people to share emotions and feeling that are common to all of us. When we listen to music, we feel happy, sad, and depressed so it means music affects our mind and body. One of the most important effects of music is on our intelligence. Every one born with different levels of IQ, but we can improve it. Music can help children learn more by increasing IQ and teaching them how to learn new things.
Music can help children learn more by increasing their IQ. Children who have music classes can learn math and reading better than others.IQ scores in these children increase five to seven points. Also, children who were in lower level of reading caught up average group of students during the time they learned music. Scientists showed if we think our brain is just like a muscle, it needs exercise to be strong. If our brain dose not get exercise, just like our muscles it will lose mass. We can train our brain with music.
Music can help children improve their ability by teaching them how to learn new things. Children who play music, listen to concerts, or sing together learn how pay attention to teachers because they practice it. They can improve their ability by concentration too. University of Rhod Island looked at grade –one and grade-two children who went to concerts, listened to music, or played music twice a week. The result of study showed spatial reasoning skills improved. Scientists examined the effects of music on math in those children. They have more ability, especially on fraction than others. Maria Spychiger from university of Austria studied the effect of music on math and language ability on seven to fifteen-year-olds during three years. Result of study was that math and language skills improved.
The scientists have shown how music is important to improve our children’s IQ and increase their capacity of brain. Music appears to stimulate certain brain cells involved in logical thinking and spatial reasoning .Likewise, mathematics seems to activate these same brain cells.
Peggy Chen: Music

Name: Peggy Chen
Essay: Should music cooperate in school?
Nowadays, most parents are only focusing on their children’s academic education and thinking music is less important in the overall school curriculum. Some schools are even cutting back on the budget in the music curriculum and emphasizing other curriculum much more than music. People always think that intelligence only comes with plug away at their academic. However, why music should be incorporated in school curricula?
Music is really important to our children. According to the scientists, the brain circuits may be stimulated in a way that nerve pathways are strengthened when in musical training. These pathways appear to be the same ones when spatial reasoning tasks are performed. Scientists also have discovered that music training has significant influences on the brain development. Learning or listening to music is highly advantageous for children. Moreover, music may enhance children’s mathematical skills, spatial ability, and analytical skill as well as learning how to learn new things. Listening to classical music, particularly music composed by Mozart, may improve children’s ability to perform certain tasks. More than that, music may also increase children’s self-esteem that is a great impact on children’s growth in physical, emotional and spiritual. The research found that a child with low self-esteem may be afraid to try new things or meet new people.
Music is an essential lesson to be included in school curriculum. Scientists have revealed that music and mathematic are in the same part of the brain right next to each other. Taking music lessons show grater improvement in IQ scores, particularly in mathematics and language. In Providence, Rhode Island, USA, Martin Gardiner conducted experiment to investigate the impact of music on mathematic and language ability. Children who were six to seven years old received music lessons for 7 months. At the end of the test period, the results showed that children’s mathematic and language competence had improved. In addition, learning and understanding music affects much in children’s personality development. The studies have shown that listening to classical music helps children enhance their concentration and patience, as well as develop team work skills and efficient communications. Music is not only a tool, but it also provides a break for children from academic instruction. Children always feel joyful when they play or listen to music. Music really has a great power to soothe and inspire children, also release their pressure.
It’s clear that music is good for children’s development. School is a significant place in the lives of all children; therefore, a comprehensive school curriculum should not only emphasize academic but also music. Without doubt, it is essential that music should be taught throughout the school curriculum, and not just in separate areas such as orchestra.
Essay: Should music cooperate in school?
Nowadays, most parents are only focusing on their children’s academic education and thinking music is less important in the overall school curriculum. Some schools are even cutting back on the budget in the music curriculum and emphasizing other curriculum much more than music. People always think that intelligence only comes with plug away at their academic. However, why music should be incorporated in school curricula?
Music is really important to our children. According to the scientists, the brain circuits may be stimulated in a way that nerve pathways are strengthened when in musical training. These pathways appear to be the same ones when spatial reasoning tasks are performed. Scientists also have discovered that music training has significant influences on the brain development. Learning or listening to music is highly advantageous for children. Moreover, music may enhance children’s mathematical skills, spatial ability, and analytical skill as well as learning how to learn new things. Listening to classical music, particularly music composed by Mozart, may improve children’s ability to perform certain tasks. More than that, music may also increase children’s self-esteem that is a great impact on children’s growth in physical, emotional and spiritual. The research found that a child with low self-esteem may be afraid to try new things or meet new people.
Music is an essential lesson to be included in school curriculum. Scientists have revealed that music and mathematic are in the same part of the brain right next to each other. Taking music lessons show grater improvement in IQ scores, particularly in mathematics and language. In Providence, Rhode Island, USA, Martin Gardiner conducted experiment to investigate the impact of music on mathematic and language ability. Children who were six to seven years old received music lessons for 7 months. At the end of the test period, the results showed that children’s mathematic and language competence had improved. In addition, learning and understanding music affects much in children’s personality development. The studies have shown that listening to classical music helps children enhance their concentration and patience, as well as develop team work skills and efficient communications. Music is not only a tool, but it also provides a break for children from academic instruction. Children always feel joyful when they play or listen to music. Music really has a great power to soothe and inspire children, also release their pressure.
It’s clear that music is good for children’s development. School is a significant place in the lives of all children; therefore, a comprehensive school curriculum should not only emphasize academic but also music. Without doubt, it is essential that music should be taught throughout the school curriculum, and not just in separate areas such as orchestra.
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