Nowadays, we can hear about globalization everyday on Tv, radio and the internet; besides, we realize that the world is changing quickly, as the countries have come closer to eachother. However, Koreans think about globalization in different ways. Some of them view it is a process which is beneficial to the future world, so they think that it is the result of human innovation and technological progress. Another group of Korean people view it with hostility, even fear, because they believe that it increases inequality between nations and threatens employment. However, I believe that globalization has greatly affected culture and Education in South korea.
The culture has been considerably changed. Frist, globalization has changed our country's food dramatically. There were many small grocery stores in a residential street before Korea became globalized. As the world becomes more global, a combination of stores which contains western food appeared and have become bigger to compete with western grocery store, as Walmart, Karfu, the Costco. Although western grocery stores could not succeed, it affected our country's distribution industry. Therefore, people could buy import items esilsy at the supermarket. Every shelf in a shop display a variety of items from all over the world even fruit and vegetables. Also, western fast food command general popularity in South korea like other countries. For instance, Macdonalds has opened over 200 store in South korea, so a lot of people could eat hamburgers and fries for a cheep price. By introducing western style restaurants, a lot of up-scale restaurants have been created. For example, T.G.I Fridays, family restaurant, has opened fifty store in South korea in a short time; futhermore, it has always fascinated people even though prices are expensive. Second, entertainment has been changed. The introduction of other country's cultural productions, which can be a entertainment, have benefited the music and entertainment industry. Despite the fact that ticket prices of the concert are expensive, many people enjoy the performances. However, the globalization has not affected all of us in a positive way. As time goes by, the computer appeared as the way of entertainment. For example, the better-known, user-friendly, multimedia side of the Internet, called the World Wide Web, grew almost 20-fold. In just few years, users created more than 3 million multimedia pages of information, entertainment, and advertising. It made people more individual; as a result, the internet makes people lonelier and increases isolation, even though it is a wide word of communication. Third, globalization has affected our fashion style. Fashion shows from other country, created a variety of styles in our fashion. Most people prefer to wear famous brands from all over the world. Also, globalization has made our traditional clothes combine with western style. For instance, our traditional dress consists of a top and a skirt, but nowadays people like wearing without top like a evening dress in the Western countries. It has been designed in european style; so that, it looks like fusion-dress which harmonized Eastern and Western.
Education has been rapidly changed in South korea by providing information of the foreign school in the world. First, studying aboard became common; therefore, the number of international students has dramatically increased. Futhermore, there are a lot of students who are anxious to study in different countries. Thus, this situation has led people to go another country automatically. A large number of people immigrate to all over the countries each year. Second, by introducing foreign method many people could learn diverse methods. For example, I learned the music method 'Kodaly method' which was introduced by Zoltan kodaly, a Hungarian composer and educator. This method has affected teachers and music curriculum in my country like other countries. In addition, lots of teaching method was introduced by globalization. Also, the number of a foreign language institutes has up sharply and they are wild spread. Besides, there are plenty of places for the kids to practice speaking English: they can withdraw play money at a pretend bank, then use it to tip their waiter at a restaurant. Likewise, they can practice English which they learned from the place as a real Canadian or American lives. Moreover, fluency in English is essential, and a working knowledge of foreign language is highly desirable in many companies in South korea.
In conclusion, as the world become global, there are many things which have changed by globalization. Especially, globalization has changed South korea's culture and education. Also, I agree that there is not only positive way but also negative way. However, it is difficult to return a wave of globalization even though there are many problems. Because, it is not just a recent phenomenon; also, globalization comes from supporting high technology which developed by man. Besides, it comes from man's passion for a better lives
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