In my opinion you don’t need dispositional luck or any special diploma to reach the success you deserve. If you have a quick look at famous successful people’s biographies, they weren’t born to be successful necessarily. The main point that all of them had was, acquired skills which made them successful.
I do know the most important parameter that makes you successful is “ faith”. You have to have faith that you are going to be exactly what you expected to be. You need to believe that you deserve all success you earn. On the other hand, you have to value yourself. In order to value yourself, you need to feel you are worth valuing or you have to say “I am valuable ”. Everyday, you should tell yourself a positive sentence such as: I am smart, I am strong, I can learn to do new things and to be creative. Those are the things that make you more self-confident. Because you can believe that you are capable of being independent and making your own decisions in your own way. Those are really valuable. But be aware. Never use any negative form in your sentences. If you affirm negative, this is what you will get. You have to be very careful in your affirmations.
The next step to be successful is “gathering enough right data and information” around your goal to know what you have to do functionally to get to your purpose in the shortest way and time. There are so many strategies to get information such as: reading, searching on line, having relationship with successful people and consulting with them, … . Then you have to compare those data together to choose the most influenced item. In addition, to have a successful relationship, you might need to improve your personality in order to be a sociable and gregarious person. Although you must not be exactly the same as they were, you can get a suitable pattern of their experiences and follow them.
Finally, most of successful people are often ”ambitious and hardworking”. As I mentioned in the first parameter, if you have a positive perspective, you will get to the glamorous future by working hard on your goals. It means you have to always cope with different kinds of obstacles that might exist in your way. All the time you have to be hopeful and don’t feel exhausted to continue your struggle.
So if I want to have an adding up, I have to say to be successful, everyone has to practice more and more on her/him abilities, potentials, beliefs, attitudes and skills. Obviously, those big changes will not happen in one or two days. You have to be patient and more practical person to get your aims and feel happiness.
19 Jan 2008
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