Actually, I don’t believe any religion, but my grandmother does. The religion she believes in is Buddhism. One of the Buddhas in Buddhism called “ Kuan Yin ” is the “God” in my grandmother’s heart. “ Kuan Yin ” is a very kind female Buddha, who always helps the poor and good-hearted people. Since I learned to talk, my grandmother has always educated me to be a good-hearted person, and then, “Kuan Yin” will take care of me and give me a hand if I am not lazy.
I want to be a good-hearted person because I believe in my grandmother that “Kuan Yin” always help good-hearted people and punish evil ones. A good-hearted person who always thinks about his impact of behavior on others is easy to make friends with. Furthermore, they can get along well with others and build a wide network in society which is a significant key to success. Therefore the standard that I get along with others is never to do any thing to others, what I don’t want others to do to me. I care about people’s feelings and respect people, and then I make good friends follow my standard. A good-hearted person who often helps others may obtain consequent help from others when he/she is in trouble. I try my best to help people who are in trouble because I am afraid that nobody would like to help me, even “Kuan Yin”, when I am in trouble. Fortunately, I have lots of good friends who would like to help me. Maybe I am a good-hearted person so that “Kuan Yin” always looks after me.
Nobody,even “Kuan Yin” can help you if you are lazy. My grandmother worshipped “Kuan Yin” on the first day and fifteenth day in each month. Her prayers were always about me; she wished me to grow up quickly and healthily, be a good person and be successful. However, as a child, I thought it was unnecessary to work hard for success because of the help from “Kuan Yin”. I misunderstood “Kuan Yin”; furthermore, I misunderstood my grandmother ‘s love. After few failures in my exam in grade two, my grandmother told me good marks never came without working hard and nobody can help me if I am lazy, so I realized if you have never sown, you will reap nothing.
My grandmother is a typical good-hearted person. I believe in her, and she is my religion. She has taught me to become a good-hearted and hardworking person; she influences my life by her love.