Thursday, July 31, 2008

Elham Shaafi Kabiri: Gotta Dance

Having dreams is one of human beings’ characteristics. They all grow with their dreams even when they are just young children. They all want to be successful in their lives, but it is not possible for all of them. Some are satisfied with what they do but others are not. There are many books about success. I would personally rather follow successful people as my role models. In the story: Gotta Dance by Jachson Jodie Daviss, Katie is a very good example. She followed her dream of being a dancer and never gave up against difficulties. She did not limit herself in other’s belief and thought. Katie kept dance. To reach her dream he tried to follow famous dancer and learn many skill. Finally, she could reach her idea. People all have to be equipped with many skills to achieve their goals in my life like exactly Katie. Being hopeful and having goals are two traits that lead people to success.

The first characteristic of successful people is that they are always hopeful. They are determined and strongly motivated to succeed. Katie knew what she was going to do. She followed her way even though others discouraged her, and she went against the will of her family and relatives. In addition, such people have great ambitions. They use all their abilities to reach them, and they try to perform their challenging tasks without any mistakes. Reaching the goals is the most important priority for them. They do not become satisfied with small achievements so that they forget their goals. For instance when Katie was offered a job by the theater’s manager, she did not forget her dream to dance. She did not accept it, for she wanted to go on her way. Thinking positively is another key to succeed. People all have to go forward. In the story, Katie left her gloomy childhood home and started to reach her dream. She did not dwell on the sad past. She looked forward and went on her way, although all her family and relatives did not approve her decision.

Having good goals on life and following them is the second key to success. To be successful, people have to enhance our skills and qualities which make them even more confident. To illustrate, Katie watched the best dancers’ performances on TV and video. She watched them several times and tried to imitate them. She wore out the player and the VCR. What is more, being strong and patient in the path of reaching goals is very important. Bigger goal requires more time and energy to succeed, so one has to be stronger and more patient. It is exactly a trait which Katie has. She started to travel long-haul and left everything behind to start a new life. Before performing her dance in front of the theater, she was waiting in diner for two hours. Welcoming difficulties is another good characteristic that everyone should be equipped with. Difficulties are better handled when viewed as challenges. Although the first step was always the most difficult one for her, Katie started to dance in front of the theater. It made her other steps easier for her, so she probably could succeed in her way. Finally, she never gave up on her dream. She decided to head home, just to go toward her goal nothing else. She really believed on what she said that “I am on tour.”

We all want to succeed in our lives, but not all of us can achieve our goals. Many people believe in chance as an important factor which can lead at least some more success than others in equal situation. There are a lot of studies that clearly show hopeful and optimistic people are more likely successful in their lives than other who are not. Hopeful people are motivated and follow their goals even in difficult situations. They do not forget their dream. They are more ambitious. Having goals is another significant trait of successful people. They know what they are pursuing. They can manage their time or even prioritize their tasks better than other. They usually try to equip themselves with new skills. To achieve our goal, people should be hopeful. Those who always look forward in their lives and have good goals, the chance of success is much higher than others.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Lucy Cheng: Mars

Nowadays, some countries invest a lot of money to research different kinds of delivering methods to sent people to Mars. They will cheer even for each tiny step of progress. People want to go to Mars not only for satisfying their curiosity but also for realizing their political and economical purposes.

Curiosity is the natural instinct of human beings which sends people to space. In the development of the history of science, each accomplishment was the result of curiosity. Before Galileo’s theory about the planets traveling around the Sun, people always wanted to know where the earth is located in the universe. They even assumed that the earth was the center of the universe. People also puzzled where they come from. Then Darwin’s theory gave them an answer that all life evolved from lower life forms and humans evolved from monkeys. People’s exploring is also the result of curiosity. To find out what earth looked like, brave navigators like Columbus and Magellan, explored by sailing 500 years ago. Their traveling testified that the Earth was sphere.

Another and deeper reason of visiting Mars is to realize some countries political and economical ambitions. The most powerful countries want to decide what happens on Mars. What they do on Earth is the most powerful testimony. Some countries have always acted as international policeman on Earth. They like to be involved in other countries affairs and want to control everything that happens on Earth. Furthermore, they also want to get economical benefits from visiting Mars. Now on earth, energy resources are becoming less and less. The war of robbing energy will be the war of future. What’s more, maybe they can get some other expensive and useful mineral substances. If they can find energy resources or expensive and useful mineral substances from exploring outer space, that will help them to keep their powerful international positions.

In conclusion, visiting Mars is a significant action in human beings’ developing history. Maybe someday, Mars will be a peaceful and harmonic planet that people can live on.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Pedram Sahba: Mars

Some people believe that intelligent life exists only on Earth because of two main reasons. First, they have no evidence for extra-terrestrial intelligent life, and second the main conditions for forming a complex life exist just on Earth.

The supporters of the above mentioned idea believe that there is no evidence for the extra-terrestrial intelligent life. There is no clear signal and no contact from the other planets. They say if there were any intelligent life in the universe, they would call us or show their tendency to contact us. Also, we have no response from them. Astronomers have sent many radio signals through the huge and strong antenna to the space during last century, but there has been no reply.

On the other hand, to form a complex life like what we have on Earth, we need unique physical and chemical conditions. These conditions include for instance chemical elements, temperature and pressure. Statistically, the chance of gathering these conditions together is near zero. If we assume that a simple life has been formed in one of the millions planets in the universe, evolution of a simple life to an intelligent one needs other conditions same as those we have on our planet. These situations should remain unchanged during millions of years to let a simple life change to a complex one. As the supporters of the idea say, these conditions in the planet are not in a steady state due to the effect of the big neighbouring stars near them. Therefore, they don`t expect to an intelligent life out of our planet.

In conclusion the supporters of the idea think we are alone in the universe. There is no intelligent extra-terrestrial life due to unique situations of our planet. If it we accept it, so we should pay more attention to our planet. We should keep it green and neat for next generations because if its unique conditions change, there will be no other place to live. In my opinion whether we have any intelligent neighbours or not, we should take good care of our home planet. This is a chance to live on the Earth so we should care about it, and also, let to our children enjoy this chance.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Galina Kazakova: Animal Farm

The book “Animal farm” by Gorge Orwell is a masterpiece of English literature, which shows us in an allegorical and satirical way typical features of all revolutions that have taken place in human history. It tells us about animal’s rebellion in one English farm, where animals expelled men and started governing the farm. However, we understand that the author means not animals but people. He shows us how step by step the ideals of the rebellion were betrayed and the same system of exploitation just by another power was established. Therefore, animals’ rebellion went wrong because all rebellions lead to dictatorship.

The first reason why the animals’ rebellion went wrong is that revolution totally destroys the law and the order in society. It usually awakens a wave of violence and tragedies, but to destroy everything is much easier than to create a new society. A revolution offers simple solutions to complicated problems, so the majority of people support it. We can see in Orwell’s book as all the rules of society were summarized in seven commandments. However, life is more complicated and its simplifying often causes mistakes. Another problem is that the uneducated majority of society influenced by corrupted leaders like sheep in fact doesn’t understand what is happening.

Throughout the human history, we can see that usually charismatic leaders take advantage of rebellions and seize the power. Some of them frankly think that they can make people be happy, like Snowball, but the others just desire wealth and power, like Napoleon. Using power and the lack of democracy like all dictators Napoleon eliminated opposition forces such as Snowball. Also he corrupted the other pigs that were supporting him; thereby he created the privileged high class. Napoleon’s power was supported by obedient army of the specially trained dogs, which intimidated the animals. The character of Squealer personifies brainwashing and hypocrisy of dictators. Therefore, frightened and brain washed animals could be more easily managed. Gradually, all the ideas of the revolution were changed; all the ideals were betrayed. The climax of the novel is when Boxer who personifies the working class was betrayed. After the hard work during his entire life and supporting Napoleon he was sold to the knackers. One by one, all the commandments were altered and after all only one commandment was left “All animals are equal but some are more equal”. It symbolizes betrayed ideals of rebellion.

As was discussed before the animal’s rebellion went wrong because it was rebellion. The end of all revolutions is the same – dictatorship. Only evolution not revolution can improve people’s lives.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Omaira Valencia: Animal Farm


The book “Animal Farm” written by George Orwell is an analogy about the conditions of countries before, during and after revolution. The bad conditions in Minor Farm lead animals to a revolution. Old Major, an old pig, dreamed about future utopia and enlivened others animals to achieve it.

After he died others animals came in a harsh situation without food. In that moment, the revolution achieves. At the beginning all things went well. But day by day, the situation become worse because their dishonest leaders changes the rules and intimidated other animals in order to work for leaders’ benefits. At the end of the story, the condition of animals after rebellion was of inferior quality compared to the beginning. The animals’ rebellion went wrong for two reasons, corruption of leaders and passivity of the animals.

First, the corruption of leaders led the revolution to the same situation that they initially were enduring. Before the revolution, animals were living in hard working conditions. They did not have enough food and suffered maltreat and abuses from humans who do not care about them and only wanted their job. The animals believed in the principles of revolution about a special place where all animals were equal. But money and power perverted the leaders who used ideology to dominate all animals for their own benefit. The leaders took advantage of their position and education to achieve goods and comfort for them. The leaders betrayed the principles of revolution and dominated others animals through of intimidation and misinformation.

Second, the passivity of animals and their ignorance allowed them to be manipulated and their compliance made the situation worse. Ordinary animals were not concerned about education and their lack of knowledge caused them to be influenced very easily. Manipulation of mass consciousness through TV and speeches were accepted by animals without questions. Excessive compliance and tolerance of tyranny led to the perpetuation of evil.

The message of this book continues throughout the ages. History teaches us that all revolutions forget their philosophy and their beliefs at the end, changing their initial objectives. Power causes corruptions. The whole power in elite always leads to corruption, autocracy and despotism. Control mechanisms are necessary in all governments including democracies. It is necessary to be conscious no indifferent and to have a good participation in the solutions of our social problems. Injustice depend not only the activity of bad doers but also the inactivity of good doers.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Omaira Valencia: The Ends don't Justify the Means

We have the right to reach happiness, but it is important to point out that our happiness must not be built over suffering of our neighbours. Furthermore, some people such as governors and politicians take action to achieve good ends for the community, and they sometimes may use evil means; however, nothing that is bad itself can became good action. One action must be good and beneficial not only in the end, but also in the beginning and throughout the way.

The accomplishment of one action should be accompanied by the good means which keep laws and rights of the others. It is important to consider not only “what” I want to do, but also “how” I want to do it. The manner in which I do something may sometimes become more important than the final objective. Bad methods may bring the results into the darkness.

World history gives us several examples about leaders, politicians or governors who lead their countries to the war or pain, ignoring the consequences of the means. They wanted to reach their goals, manipulating concepts like freedom, education or culture. They believed, that the final purpose was most important than people that they pretended to defend. Unfortunately, the costs in lives, sorrow and suffering have been too high. Recently, we have listened to Canada government apologize to aboriginal community who were forced to blend into the new culture. In that age, Canada government explained that the purpose was to introduce aboriginal children into a superior culture.

Success is obsessive even in modern society. Successful people are in the top of communities. Hence, a lot of people fight to obtain money or powder, no matter how to reach those goals. They blend laws and break the rights of others forgetting elementary rules of respect. Business world is full of examples of fallacious trades to make good profits causing great damage to others.

Achieving success is not the only key to one’s happiness. All of us need to be in peace with ourselves. Actions must be good throughout the entire path, not only at the end. Life may teach us that during the way to reach a goal, we may improve our skills and find a special kind of success, despite the fact that the first objective may not be fully accomplished. In a word, evil does not produce anything good.

Omaira Valencia: Homophobia

Canada has been one of the first countries to approve equal rights for same-sex couples. Since 1995, when Ontario legalized adoptions by same –sex couples laws have been supporting gay and lesbian right. The issue of Human Rights has concerned all levels of society. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms does not discriminate against any people because of their religion, race, sex or sexual orientation. As a consequence, Homophobia is not a pressing problem in Canada
In Canada, all people have equal rights. The Canadian Charter protects human rights, not only for Canadian citizen but also for Permanent Residents. Rights do not depend on one’s profile or financial situation. Rights are equal for all people before the law. In the past decades, Canada has been recognized over the world as a leader in freedom and peace, and Canadian People are appreciated in all countries
Percentage of immigrants is very high in Canada. Canada needs immigrants and immigrants need Canada. The population of Canada is shaped by many people with different home countries, different religions and races. In all work places, universities and colleges it is possible to see a diversity of cultures. For that reason, people who live in Canada are used to tolerating others, including people with different sexual orientation.
It is important to remember that equal rights do not imply identical rights. Hence, in Canada a lot of people think that lesbians and gays rights do not involve adopting children as a right. Children need parents of different sex for upbringing in a correct way. In addition, tolerance and respect are a priority in the social life in any country, but tolerance does not mean agreement or acceptance of this kind of behaviour in our own life.

Canada is an open country to different cultures and life styles. At the same time, it is a country where following rules and laws is a critical point to preserve all rights. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms does not make discrimination. As a consequence, Homophobia is not a pressing problem in Canada. All of us are immigrants, and all of us have many reasons to give thanks to this country; nevertheless, we also have to bear in mind that our rights end when the rights of the others begin.