The book “Animal farm” by Gorge Orwell is a masterpiece of English literature, which shows us in an allegorical and satirical way typical features of all revolutions that have taken place in human history. It tells us about animal’s rebellion in one English farm, where animals expelled men and started governing the farm. However, we understand that the author means not animals but people. He shows us how step by step the ideals of the rebellion were betrayed and the same system of exploitation just by another power was established. Therefore, animals’ rebellion went wrong because all rebellions lead to dictatorship.
The first reason why the animals’ rebellion went wrong is that revolution totally destroys the law and the order in society. It usually awakens a wave of violence and tragedies, but to destroy everything is much easier than to create a new society. A revolution offers simple solutions to complicated problems, so the majority of people support it. We can see in Orwell’s book as all the rules of society were summarized in seven commandments. However, life is more complicated and its simplifying often causes mistakes. Another problem is that the uneducated majority of society influenced by corrupted leaders like sheep in fact doesn’t understand what is happening.
Throughout the human history, we can see that usually charismatic leaders take advantage of rebellions and seize the power. Some of them frankly think that they can make people be happy, like Snowball, but the others just desire wealth and power, like Napoleon. Using power and the lack of democracy like all dictators Napoleon eliminated opposition forces such as Snowball. Also he corrupted the other pigs that were supporting him; thereby he created the privileged high class. Napoleon’s power was supported by obedient army of the specially trained dogs, which intimidated the animals. The character of Squealer personifies brainwashing and hypocrisy of dictators. Therefore, frightened and brain washed animals could be more easily managed. Gradually, all the ideas of the revolution were changed; all the ideals were betrayed. The climax of the novel is when Boxer who personifies the working class was betrayed. After the hard work during his entire life and supporting Napoleon he was sold to the knackers. One by one, all the commandments were altered and after all only one commandment was left “All animals are equal but some are more equal”. It symbolizes betrayed ideals of rebellion.
As was discussed before the animal’s rebellion went wrong because it was rebellion. The end of all revolutions is the same – dictatorship. Only evolution not revolution can improve people’s lives.
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