In my idea, the first important factor to make people successful is having a clear and well defined goal in mind. After that, they should follow up patiently and remain in the way of their goals. In the story Gotta Dance by J.D.Daviss, the main character is a young girl who is obsessed with dancing as a way of self expression. She dances from deep inside her although her family does not support of it. She has her main goal in life: To be a perfect dancer. Having a main, clear goal in mind and following it up patiently to achieve the goal make people successful. These are qualities which make Katie successful.
Having a clearly-defined goal in mind helps one to manage his/her time by putting mile stones in the way. These mile stones show people where exactly they are and how much time they need to arrive at the target. It also helps them to focus their energy and ability on the main goal and prevent them from waisting it in wrong way. For Katie, the defined goal was being a dancer. In this way she had worn out sets of tapes and VCRs. She focused most of her energy and ability on practicing and learning dance. She danced where and when she could to improve her dancing skills.
After having ones goal in mind, the next step is following it up. People should be patient because usually great goals take time to achieve. They should stay on the track as Katie was. She took a bus as a symbol for sailing away trough the way. The way to her goal and her dreams to be a perfectionist dancer. Following up a goal also encourages people to do their best to achieve their goals. It helps them to find the small steps that lead them to their aims. Katie makes a very impressive performance for the theatre patron in the street. Her performance was very attractive and the theatre patrons preferred to stand and watch it while the curtains were up.
Consequently, Katie had the both qualities. She had a main goal in her mind. In spite of all the problems, she decided to be a perfect dancer whether her family accepted it or not. She did exercises and watched videos and listened to the music. She left her childhood home and city in the way of her aim. She put her energy and abilities in the way of her main goal. She stayed on the track to the target and didn't gave up. And she did her best in front of audience in the street. Therefore, I believe she was a successful person, And this success will bring her happiness also.
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