Nowadays, teen violence is very common; it is typical to hear about teens
fighting, stabbing, and shooting on the news. A sixteen-year-old boy, for example,
carried a gun to his school, and killed and injured some of his peers. What do teens
commit crimes for? Do they understand the danger they are causing to themselves
and others? What makes teens turn to violence? How can their environments affect
on them? There are several causes responsible for teen violence.
Parents have the most responsibility for teen violence. Firstly, parents’ violence
has serious effects on teens. Teens are hurt due to seeing or hearing parents’
violence; therefore, any physical or verbal violence such as hitting, pushing, and
even shouting has an impact on teens. Secondly, parents are role models for their
children, and they must raise their children in a happy family. As a consequence of
divorce, teens become more aggressive and violent. Besides, the lack of love and
attention in the family is another factor that causes violence.
Also, media is to blame for teen violence. Firstly, media violence leads teen to
behave more violence. In fact, watching murder and mayhem on media has a
strong influence on teens; they are persuaded to hit others. Secondly, media guides
teens’ behaviors. Teens always want to imitate the actions of media heroes;
moreover, they learn to use violence as the method of solving problems.
In conclusion both cruel parents and raunchy programs can cause teen violence.
How can teens be protected from violence? Parents need to protect them by
prevention programs; for instance, they can raise teens’ awareness about the results
of violence. Furthermore, teaching them to find an appropriate way to express their
anger and helping them to develop their sense of responsibility and self control
could be useful ways to prevent violence.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Marjan Kiany: Teen Violence
Teen violence is one of the biggest concerns of every society, and they are trying to figure out the solution. In every society, there are some psychologists who research to find out a way to solve this problem as a big issue. Who do you think is responsible? Clearly nor media neither society wants to be the cause of violence, but both of them directly or indirectly affect teen’s behaviours.
The type of society is one of the factors which cause teen violence. Children are born in families, and learn from them. We expect children not to fight, while their parents argue to impose their notion. When children are trying new jobs, or making a decision, or when they want to be known as matured in their peer group, they need their parents support. If parents do not help them or guide them, they feel that nobody understands them. Friends are not exception from this story. They affect each other directly by guiding in a wrong way intentionally or unintentionally. In this way, friends may encourage them to do violence. They may know that this way is wrong, but violence is attractive for them.
Another reason for teen violence is the media. Media reflect violence by presenting it. Sometimes children think that they are capable of doing bad actions, but when they see rudeness is happening everywhere in news, or the media, they will loos their sensitivity. Teens face some problems in their age because they are growing, their ideas are changing and they want to reach their aims quickly. Media show them new notion by similar cases or trashy program; for example, they can see how a boy commits suicides when the going gets tough for him. The media is widespread and accessible for everyone and any where. They present their information, program or advertisement by Television, Radio, Newspaper, and Internet. Parents might control their children by V-Chip or rating, but they can not prevent them from working by Computer. In spite of the fact that parents use V-Chip to control children, they can access to the code if they are smart. Some children prefer to follow violence program while their parents are far from the house.
In conclusion, although the media is widespread, parents can help their children to choose a program which is suitable for them by having friendly relationship and useful comments during the program playback. Parents should highlight the good point of the program content. It will be more enjoyable if children have fun with wholesome and attractive programs.
The type of society is one of the factors which cause teen violence. Children are born in families, and learn from them. We expect children not to fight, while their parents argue to impose their notion. When children are trying new jobs, or making a decision, or when they want to be known as matured in their peer group, they need their parents support. If parents do not help them or guide them, they feel that nobody understands them. Friends are not exception from this story. They affect each other directly by guiding in a wrong way intentionally or unintentionally. In this way, friends may encourage them to do violence. They may know that this way is wrong, but violence is attractive for them.
Another reason for teen violence is the media. Media reflect violence by presenting it. Sometimes children think that they are capable of doing bad actions, but when they see rudeness is happening everywhere in news, or the media, they will loos their sensitivity. Teens face some problems in their age because they are growing, their ideas are changing and they want to reach their aims quickly. Media show them new notion by similar cases or trashy program; for example, they can see how a boy commits suicides when the going gets tough for him. The media is widespread and accessible for everyone and any where. They present their information, program or advertisement by Television, Radio, Newspaper, and Internet. Parents might control their children by V-Chip or rating, but they can not prevent them from working by Computer. In spite of the fact that parents use V-Chip to control children, they can access to the code if they are smart. Some children prefer to follow violence program while their parents are far from the house.
In conclusion, although the media is widespread, parents can help their children to choose a program which is suitable for them by having friendly relationship and useful comments during the program playback. Parents should highlight the good point of the program content. It will be more enjoyable if children have fun with wholesome and attractive programs.
Masoud Tizrounoubari: Teen Violence
The terms teen, youth, and juvenile are used more or less interchangeably when discussing violence by and against young people. Violence is any physical conduct that causes injury or harm to another person. Therefore teen violence means that the victim, the perpetrator, or both are between twelve and twenty years old. In these important years of life that are foundations of shaping behavior, personality and habits and characteristic of teenagers, society and parents play important role in rising children; as a matter of fact Family and society are two main reasons that should be capable to cause teen violence.
Family is the first and foremost reason that causes forty three percent of teen violence. While genetics contributes to a tendency for aggressive behaviors even if environmental factors are excluded. Recent research demonstrates a multi factorial model with a couple of possible genes that are inherited from parents may be involved. Also one of the most important duties of a father or a mother is being responsible about their children; consequently when children are growing up and reaching to teen ages, children directly influences by their parents; for example in a home that parents don’t have appropriate relationship and arguing every day with each other or they don’t pay enough attention to their children’s needs, chance of violence would be higher than other families. By the other hand especially in crowded families fight between teen siblings can cause teen violence; more over in some studies have been shown that less than four years age differ between siblings can lead them to more fight in the family and more violence in teenagers.
Society is the other reason of teen violence that causes twenty percent of teen violence. Mass Media as a part of communication technology of society with a tremendous addressee could have been one of the several reasons of teen violence. Therefore television as a part of mass media can be a powerful influence in developing value systems and shaping behavior in teenagers. Unfortunately, much of today's television programming is full of scenes of sex and violence. Also nowadays access to the Internet especially online gaming and spending time in front of computer, where that there are many violent games, shows and movies, can lead teenagers to act like them; more over Teens who commit acts of violence are often involved in other types of risky or criminal behavior. They may use drugs, carry weapons and drive recklessly. In spite of the fact that good relation ship between classmates and peer groups can help teenagers to share their ideas and develop role of being as a member of society in the future, in some cases this kind of relation ships with no supervision can be harmful and can lead teenagers to violence.
In conclusion good relation ship between parents and also sibling at home and spending time to talk and communicate with teenagers, a great household life with no arguments and big disagreements, supervising teenagers to help them to choosing good friends can provide a nice atmosphere for teenagers at home or society to prevent themselves from participating violence; on the other hand a responsible media in society that provide teenager’s needs by showing wholesome programs specially in the prime time or by changing some roles and laws, are the ways that can lead a society to decrease numbers of teen violence.
Family is the first and foremost reason that causes forty three percent of teen violence. While genetics contributes to a tendency for aggressive behaviors even if environmental factors are excluded. Recent research demonstrates a multi factorial model with a couple of possible genes that are inherited from parents may be involved. Also one of the most important duties of a father or a mother is being responsible about their children; consequently when children are growing up and reaching to teen ages, children directly influences by their parents; for example in a home that parents don’t have appropriate relationship and arguing every day with each other or they don’t pay enough attention to their children’s needs, chance of violence would be higher than other families. By the other hand especially in crowded families fight between teen siblings can cause teen violence; more over in some studies have been shown that less than four years age differ between siblings can lead them to more fight in the family and more violence in teenagers.
Society is the other reason of teen violence that causes twenty percent of teen violence. Mass Media as a part of communication technology of society with a tremendous addressee could have been one of the several reasons of teen violence. Therefore television as a part of mass media can be a powerful influence in developing value systems and shaping behavior in teenagers. Unfortunately, much of today's television programming is full of scenes of sex and violence. Also nowadays access to the Internet especially online gaming and spending time in front of computer, where that there are many violent games, shows and movies, can lead teenagers to act like them; more over Teens who commit acts of violence are often involved in other types of risky or criminal behavior. They may use drugs, carry weapons and drive recklessly. In spite of the fact that good relation ship between classmates and peer groups can help teenagers to share their ideas and develop role of being as a member of society in the future, in some cases this kind of relation ships with no supervision can be harmful and can lead teenagers to violence.
In conclusion good relation ship between parents and also sibling at home and spending time to talk and communicate with teenagers, a great household life with no arguments and big disagreements, supervising teenagers to help them to choosing good friends can provide a nice atmosphere for teenagers at home or society to prevent themselves from participating violence; on the other hand a responsible media in society that provide teenager’s needs by showing wholesome programs specially in the prime time or by changing some roles and laws, are the ways that can lead a society to decrease numbers of teen violence.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Ella Goman: Teen Violence
Teen violence is a problem of modern society. The variety of teens’ aggressive behaviors is unbelievable; youths are involved in physical, sexual and emotional violence. While parents, teachers and police are trying to find who is to blame for it, youth violence continues to be a part of our daily news. There are several causes of teen violence: family and society.
The family is the first circle children experience in their lives; that is why, the home environment is primary responsible for teen violence. Parents play a significant role in a child’s education. Children sometimes experience abnormal home life, such as drunken parents, bad relationship between the father and the mother, abuse by a step or biological parents. Kids tend to copy their parents’ behavior; therefore, if they see violence at home, they will grow up as violent individuals. The lack of communication between parents and teenagers may also contribute to the problem of teen violence. Sometimes, parents are very busy; they, consequently, do not pay enough attention to the communication with their children. Teenagers are very sensitive, and they want to be understood. They interpret the lack of communication as indifference. As a result, teens may develop aggressive behavior. Moreover, the bad economic situation in some families may result in antisocial behavior of children. It is natural, that teens want to have more gadgets because they want to be like their peers. Unfortunately, the desirable item sometimes is not achievable because of its cost. Nowadays, a bad economic situation forces families to cut their expenses; some parents, therefore, cannot afford to buy a new gadget for their offspring. This situation leads youth to do criminal deeds, such as theft and stealing. In addition, today’s society has a huge impact on teen violence. Schools and neighborhood can contribute to youths’ aggressive behaviors. Public schools nowadays are the centers of integration. Children from different cultures and different undergrounds spend much time together while learning and doing some other school activities. As a result, racial tension may arise. Teen tend to make cliques at school; they are used to find the “enemy group” and to unleash their aggression against the hostile group. Unfortunately, some schools have very low standards and rules of behavior. Therefore, teens can carry both cold and hot weapons and they can even use them at school. There were several cases of school shootings that occurred in the US and Germany last year. The area of living is the additional factor that contributes to high violence among youth. Almost each city has so-called “bad areas”. It means that the level of violence here is much higher than the average level. Children who grow up in these areas, therefore, have more chances to develop violent behavior. Moreover, an average teenager wants to identify himself with some groups. This drive of self- identification may end up in teen- age gangs just because some peers are in the same gang. These gangs are usually involved in criminal deeds.
The root problem of child’s violence is that the ill society generates the ill individuals. Even though the modern society cannot eliminate violence it can reduce it significantly. Both parents and school from the one side and police and governments from another side must understand that they have to share the responsibility. Special program must be implemented at schools and civic centers; teens must be given opportunities to express themselves in positive ways.
The family is the first circle children experience in their lives; that is why, the home environment is primary responsible for teen violence. Parents play a significant role in a child’s education. Children sometimes experience abnormal home life, such as drunken parents, bad relationship between the father and the mother, abuse by a step or biological parents. Kids tend to copy their parents’ behavior; therefore, if they see violence at home, they will grow up as violent individuals. The lack of communication between parents and teenagers may also contribute to the problem of teen violence. Sometimes, parents are very busy; they, consequently, do not pay enough attention to the communication with their children. Teenagers are very sensitive, and they want to be understood. They interpret the lack of communication as indifference. As a result, teens may develop aggressive behavior. Moreover, the bad economic situation in some families may result in antisocial behavior of children. It is natural, that teens want to have more gadgets because they want to be like their peers. Unfortunately, the desirable item sometimes is not achievable because of its cost. Nowadays, a bad economic situation forces families to cut their expenses; some parents, therefore, cannot afford to buy a new gadget for their offspring. This situation leads youth to do criminal deeds, such as theft and stealing. In addition, today’s society has a huge impact on teen violence. Schools and neighborhood can contribute to youths’ aggressive behaviors. Public schools nowadays are the centers of integration. Children from different cultures and different undergrounds spend much time together while learning and doing some other school activities. As a result, racial tension may arise. Teen tend to make cliques at school; they are used to find the “enemy group” and to unleash their aggression against the hostile group. Unfortunately, some schools have very low standards and rules of behavior. Therefore, teens can carry both cold and hot weapons and they can even use them at school. There were several cases of school shootings that occurred in the US and Germany last year. The area of living is the additional factor that contributes to high violence among youth. Almost each city has so-called “bad areas”. It means that the level of violence here is much higher than the average level. Children who grow up in these areas, therefore, have more chances to develop violent behavior. Moreover, an average teenager wants to identify himself with some groups. This drive of self- identification may end up in teen- age gangs just because some peers are in the same gang. These gangs are usually involved in criminal deeds.
The root problem of child’s violence is that the ill society generates the ill individuals. Even though the modern society cannot eliminate violence it can reduce it significantly. Both parents and school from the one side and police and governments from another side must understand that they have to share the responsibility. Special program must be implemented at schools and civic centers; teens must be given opportunities to express themselves in positive ways.
Alex Keung: Teen Violence

According to CBC news, there were 1,287 young people were accused in 2006 of firearm-related crimes in Canada and in three of those four years, the number of teenagers aged 12 to 17 accused in such crimes rose, for a total increase of 32 per cent. Nothing is more important than to find out what cause teenagers violence. I think family and society are the two reasons that cause teen violence.
Family is a reason that causes teen violence. Family has two different effects on the youth. Firstly, Family’s DNA determines some of children’s personalities before they are born. That is the reason why some children like to share their toys with other children peacefully but some do not. Secondly, parents’ beliefs and values will impact children. As we all know, parents are the first teachers of children. They teach children what is right and how to get along with others. Their behaviors influence children day by day. Therefore, when children grow up to teenagers, parents’ beliefs and values will be the main part of theirs.
Society is another reason that causes teen violence. First, interpersonal relationship, specially, friends impact on teenagers. “If one sheep leaps over the ditch, all the rest will follow.” Teenagers can learn something from their friends. Therefore, if their friends like fighting, they start fighting impulsively too. Second, the Media have a great influence on teenagers. Nowadays, there are a lot of violence and blood scenes on TV, even in a hockey game. In addition teenagers can access the Internet without any limit. No one can regulate the violent online games and web sites. All of these seem to encourage teenagers to accept violence.
We may safely draw the conclusion that family and society are the two reasons that cause teen violence. In order to reduce teen violence, parents should correct themselves at first and teach children how to be upright people. Also, our society should bear greater responsibility and give teenagers more understanding.
Family is a reason that causes teen violence. Family has two different effects on the youth. Firstly, Family’s DNA determines some of children’s personalities before they are born. That is the reason why some children like to share their toys with other children peacefully but some do not. Secondly, parents’ beliefs and values will impact children. As we all know, parents are the first teachers of children. They teach children what is right and how to get along with others. Their behaviors influence children day by day. Therefore, when children grow up to teenagers, parents’ beliefs and values will be the main part of theirs.
Society is another reason that causes teen violence. First, interpersonal relationship, specially, friends impact on teenagers. “If one sheep leaps over the ditch, all the rest will follow.” Teenagers can learn something from their friends. Therefore, if their friends like fighting, they start fighting impulsively too. Second, the Media have a great influence on teenagers. Nowadays, there are a lot of violence and blood scenes on TV, even in a hockey game. In addition teenagers can access the Internet without any limit. No one can regulate the violent online games and web sites. All of these seem to encourage teenagers to accept violence.
We may safely draw the conclusion that family and society are the two reasons that cause teen violence. In order to reduce teen violence, parents should correct themselves at first and teach children how to be upright people. Also, our society should bear greater responsibility and give teenagers more understanding.
Sergey Krylov

Italian government banned using cell phones in Italian schools in 2007. One of the reasons was appearing of video clips with real scenes of violence. Some students fought with schoolmates, the others recorded it and uploaded clips to friends and the Internet. We have become witnesses to huge, incredible increase of teenagers' violence and delinquency for the last decades. Why it happened? Although some people lay all the blame on TV only, in fact there are a few reasons influencing each other. Why does it happen? In my opinion, the main causes of teenager's violence today are teenager's society, mental health and addiction to drugs or alcohol.
Teenager's society is the first cause of their violence. It is a human nature on the one hand. It is natural for people to gather, especially for teenagers. But any person is influenced by a crowd more or less. Unlike an individual, crowd is anonymous and therefore doesn't have any responsibility for doing anything. But instincts prevail over mind for man without responsibility. Man loses ability to think logically in a crowd, only emotions which are received from crowd manage him. It sounds stronger for teenagers. Also, we shouldn't forget about family on the other hand. Usually a child like a sponge imbibes into himself qualities of a background where he lives. If the parents and older siblings drink alcohol and abuse weak people, most likely the child will build his life in the same way.
Mental health is the second cause of teenager's violence. The problem redoubles if a teenager has a congenital or acquired mental disease. In this case it is enough for the teen to get into a violent environment and all his bad qualities become worse. It can happen that movies, computer games or TV programs which aren't dangerous for healthy person, may become a launching trigger for mentally diseased.
The addiction to drugs or alcohol is a particular question. The drug addict, when he is looking for a dose of drugs is absolutely uncontrolled by anybody and anything. Unfortunately, nowadays drugs and alcohol have become more accessible and cheaper. Addiction to smelling household chemicals which appeared in last two decades especially is dangerous because those goods are easily accessible everywhere.
Thus when the teen's violence increases, I think, the state should take main functions to resolve this problem. The state may improve the economy, support families, and fight against criminality. Of course it isn't easy, but teenagers today mean the future of the country tomorrow.
Sepideh Shahverdi: The Internet

I have lived so far from my parents; I have not seen them for long time.
However, in the virtual world of the Internet, I can see them and contact with them
regardless of our long distance. Moreover, I can share my thoughts and my pictures
through email, and my parents receive them immediately. Besides, the Internet is really convenient and inexpensive. In the old days, it was so hard to imagine
that people from their houses would be able to connect with others all around the
world. Some people think the internet is a curse; however, it is an important part
of the most people’s lives in world today. There are two main reasons why the
Internet is a blessing.
Information is the most important blessing of the Internet. Firstly, by surfing the
Internet, users can access any kind of information on any topic. All news,
reports, and speeches are at their fingertips; furthermore, they can find their needed
information for their researches on the Internet. Secondly, different websites
provide different information; the Internet users can choose some of them based on
their needs. For instance, if they are searching for a job, they can use specific sites
for job seeking. They just need the know-how to search the information on the
Online services are another blessing of the Internet. Firstly, online banking, for
example, is available twenty-four hours a day seven days a week. If users need
any services such as bill payment or money transfer, they are able to do it immediately on the Internet, so it makes banking services much easier and faster. Secondly, shopping is another great available service on the Internet. Users can purchase at their convenience from their houses and save their time.
In conclusion, the Internet makes a huge different in people’s lives. It provides a lot of information, so the users do not need to go to several libraries. Moreover, some services such as banking and shopping are available online; therefore, people do not have to enter real places. Due to online services, people feel more comfortable, and they can make time for their other activities. In addition, neither time nor distance is object on the Internet. All in all, the Internet can be used as the best and fastest way to find data and receive services; I personally believe that it is a revolution of communication, information, and services. Besides, innovations in this field would be making it better and faster in future.
However, in the virtual world of the Internet, I can see them and contact with them
regardless of our long distance. Moreover, I can share my thoughts and my pictures
through email, and my parents receive them immediately. Besides, the Internet is really convenient and inexpensive. In the old days, it was so hard to imagine
that people from their houses would be able to connect with others all around the
world. Some people think the internet is a curse; however, it is an important part
of the most people’s lives in world today. There are two main reasons why the
Internet is a blessing.
Information is the most important blessing of the Internet. Firstly, by surfing the
Internet, users can access any kind of information on any topic. All news,
reports, and speeches are at their fingertips; furthermore, they can find their needed
information for their researches on the Internet. Secondly, different websites
provide different information; the Internet users can choose some of them based on
their needs. For instance, if they are searching for a job, they can use specific sites
for job seeking. They just need the know-how to search the information on the
Online services are another blessing of the Internet. Firstly, online banking, for
example, is available twenty-four hours a day seven days a week. If users need
any services such as bill payment or money transfer, they are able to do it immediately on the Internet, so it makes banking services much easier and faster. Secondly, shopping is another great available service on the Internet. Users can purchase at their convenience from their houses and save their time.
In conclusion, the Internet makes a huge different in people’s lives. It provides a lot of information, so the users do not need to go to several libraries. Moreover, some services such as banking and shopping are available online; therefore, people do not have to enter real places. Due to online services, people feel more comfortable, and they can make time for their other activities. In addition, neither time nor distance is object on the Internet. All in all, the Internet can be used as the best and fastest way to find data and receive services; I personally believe that it is a revolution of communication, information, and services. Besides, innovations in this field would be making it better and faster in future.
Marjan Kiany: The Internet

The Internet is a virtual world which connects people to the real world. Some people believe that it is a curse. By considering its help, it seems to be a blessing, and we are lucky to live in a High-tech century. All information and activities we are required can be achieved by the Internet. In general, the Internet is known as a useful and helpful invention which can connect us to global village data and connect us to people.
The Internet lets us access all information we need. It gives us useful information from all over the world. Students can study or research on the Internet. It makes education process easier. Several years ago, when people wanted to study or read a book, they would have to go to the libraries or bookstores to find the book which they were needed. Also, if we needed information for individual purposes, or about any other subjects, we would have to go to the related place where they had information about that subject. In addition, we have quick access to global data. By googling and writing two or three words of the subject, The Internet will connect us to the sources of that. Moreover, there is no need to leave the house or work place to buy something or receive some information. Just by clicking of the mouse, every thing will be done.
On the other hand, we can keep in touch with people. We have some relationship with our relatives who are important to us. Many years ago, people used to send hand written letters to each other. It took time to receive them, or sometimes, they were being delivered to wrong addresses. Nowadays, we can send an electronic letter (E-mail) in a few seconds, while there is no need to stamp it. Also, we noticed that whether the letter was delivered to the exact address or not by a massage. Even, we can have discussions with our relatives in chat rooms and see each other at the same time. In our business relationships, we use the Internet as well. We can trade data, services or goods by the Internet. The customers satisfy their needs online and receive quotes for the appropriate prices. Moreover, some people do their businesses online. They advertise on some websites and offer their services, so a person or a company who required these services make a contract with them, confirm it and do their trade by the Internet.
Everyone looks forward to saving their time and energy. People use the Internet to have access information in a short time, or to have relationship with family and trade marketing. In the current century, we can see how many advanced technologies surround us. This high-tech may become a usual technology after while since humans always try to invent new things. We might witness humans cloning other humans who can walk, eat, talk or think.
The Internet lets us access all information we need. It gives us useful information from all over the world. Students can study or research on the Internet. It makes education process easier. Several years ago, when people wanted to study or read a book, they would have to go to the libraries or bookstores to find the book which they were needed. Also, if we needed information for individual purposes, or about any other subjects, we would have to go to the related place where they had information about that subject. In addition, we have quick access to global data. By googling and writing two or three words of the subject, The Internet will connect us to the sources of that. Moreover, there is no need to leave the house or work place to buy something or receive some information. Just by clicking of the mouse, every thing will be done.
On the other hand, we can keep in touch with people. We have some relationship with our relatives who are important to us. Many years ago, people used to send hand written letters to each other. It took time to receive them, or sometimes, they were being delivered to wrong addresses. Nowadays, we can send an electronic letter (E-mail) in a few seconds, while there is no need to stamp it. Also, we noticed that whether the letter was delivered to the exact address or not by a massage. Even, we can have discussions with our relatives in chat rooms and see each other at the same time. In our business relationships, we use the Internet as well. We can trade data, services or goods by the Internet. The customers satisfy their needs online and receive quotes for the appropriate prices. Moreover, some people do their businesses online. They advertise on some websites and offer their services, so a person or a company who required these services make a contract with them, confirm it and do their trade by the Internet.
Everyone looks forward to saving their time and energy. People use the Internet to have access information in a short time, or to have relationship with family and trade marketing. In the current century, we can see how many advanced technologies surround us. This high-tech may become a usual technology after while since humans always try to invent new things. We might witness humans cloning other humans who can walk, eat, talk or think.
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