Italian government banned using cell phones in Italian schools in 2007. One of the reasons was appearing of video clips with real scenes of violence. Some students fought with schoolmates, the others recorded it and uploaded clips to friends and the Internet. We have become witnesses to huge, incredible increase of teenagers' violence and delinquency for the last decades. Why it happened? Although some people lay all the blame on TV only, in fact there are a few reasons influencing each other. Why does it happen? In my opinion, the main causes of teenager's violence today are teenager's society, mental health and addiction to drugs or alcohol.
Teenager's society is the first cause of their violence. It is a human nature on the one hand. It is natural for people to gather, especially for teenagers. But any person is influenced by a crowd more or less. Unlike an individual, crowd is anonymous and therefore doesn't have any responsibility for doing anything. But instincts prevail over mind for man without responsibility. Man loses ability to think logically in a crowd, only emotions which are received from crowd manage him. It sounds stronger for teenagers. Also, we shouldn't forget about family on the other hand. Usually a child like a sponge imbibes into himself qualities of a background where he lives. If the parents and older siblings drink alcohol and abuse weak people, most likely the child will build his life in the same way.
Mental health is the second cause of teenager's violence. The problem redoubles if a teenager has a congenital or acquired mental disease. In this case it is enough for the teen to get into a violent environment and all his bad qualities become worse. It can happen that movies, computer games or TV programs which aren't dangerous for healthy person, may become a launching trigger for mentally diseased.
The addiction to drugs or alcohol is a particular question. The drug addict, when he is looking for a dose of drugs is absolutely uncontrolled by anybody and anything. Unfortunately, nowadays drugs and alcohol have become more accessible and cheaper. Addiction to smelling household chemicals which appeared in last two decades especially is dangerous because those goods are easily accessible everywhere.
Thus when the teen's violence increases, I think, the state should take main functions to resolve this problem. The state may improve the economy, support families, and fight against criminality. Of course it isn't easy, but teenagers today mean the future of the country tomorrow.
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