Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Computer, Blessing or Curse? By Valentina Volynkina


Nowadays, it is not possible to imagine our life without computers. People use them all the time and all places. Since the first computer was invented, our life has changed so much. The first computer could occupy whole room or a building and was very slow. Modern computers might perform many complex operations instantly. Anyway, it was a real digital revolution. In my opinion, the computers give people a number of benefits; at the same time, the users can have some health problems if they overuse the computers.

Since we had the opportunity to use the personal computer, we have obtained huge amount of benefits. Above all, the Internet is the best invention, which people can use through the computers. Needless to say, how many possibilities this amazing thing gives us. For instance, the users might search any necessary information by the Internet; they can connect with their relatives, friends or business partners by the Voice services and Social networks; people may share any information with each others: receive and send letters, photos, audio and video, books, documents and one another; besides, the students have capabilities to gain on-line education by using electronic media and information and communication technologies (ICT); shopping and many types of entertainments for different  kinds of customers  are available as well. If the computer users don’t have the Internet for some reasons, they still have other capabilities to do not use the personal computers. There are many useful programs including programs that were installed in the computer initially, and programs that we can install independently. In addition, there is big amount of devices, such as scanner and printer, digital and video cameras, microphone, projector and TV screen and other devices, which connect with the computer and help to perform various tasks and works.

At the same time, the usage of the computer can create some health problems. People who overuse the computer might have the most common challenges with their health that are met among the computer’s users. Firstly, people can develop very serious problems with their vision because the eyes become dry and they are pressured when we work with the computer for a long time. Secondly, the users of the computers may have issues with the muscles and joints. It happens due to inactive work. Most often, it presents in the back and shoulders pain and the stiff neck. What’s more, the electromagnetic radiation, which is created by the computer, can harm human heath, too. One can experience very severe diseases under the influence of electromagnetic radiation such as the bleeding disorders, hypotension and cancer. Not to mention, that the radiation has the greatest influence on the immune, nervous, endocrine and reproductive systems of human body.

No doubt, the computer and the Internet have more advantages than disadvantages. We can enumerate them infinitely. They facilitated our life greatly. Of course, there are some disadvantages and challenges, but if people use this intelligent equipment reasonably, it is not harmful to human health. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just read your Blogger once.I agree with the thought of your's completely.Because, that is always I'm thinking too.Even we coulden't
forget the thirty years ago.For the
ICT what was used?
When some thing happened,Who
needed to tell the emergency to the related person.what's the way
they did?Only the oneway could to choose.The poster offece!The prople
have to pay the lot of money get a
nember of the ticket then who can stay at the waiting room waiting for the telphone center calling.The
staff of the post offece can let the person up in the long distance
phone room to use the phone.The goes in and goes out for a long-distance call have to have half of day.It was a domestic telphone.Since the revolutionary internet created by the HIT scien-
tists at the west nations.The world
be come to a village.If some one by plane and spend a day night can get to every where in wolrd.
By that,what I would like to take a
bow for the creative person of the
fiest people of the internater.Thank you so much!