Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Anna Lee: Teenage Crime

Teenage Crime rate is increasing rapidly. The safety of our neighborhood is in danger because most of the teenage crimes happen on the street. Innocent people are often hurt or killed. In order to avoid teenage crime, two major causes of crime, drugs and guns, need to be addressed.

Drug abuse is a major cause of crime among teenagers. Teenagers face lots of problems, such as unsatisfactory school environment, unfulfilled parental expectations, and gang violence. Drug abusers tend to have lower self-esteem and feel less in control of their lives than other teenagers of the same age. Using drugs, such as marijuana, cocaine, alcohol, and cigarettes, is a way for them to forget their problems, maybe not for a long time, but at least for a while.

Inappropriate use of gun is the second major cause of crime among teenagers. It is easier to get a gun than 10 years ago. Not only can teenagers buy a gun from their gang friends, but also they can buy a gun from the web. Drive-by shooting, robbery, and murder are the vicious consequences brought by guns. Having a gun for teenagers is also a symbol to gain a sense of power, so they can rebel against authority.

To prevent teenage crime, the government, the community, the school, and the parents need to do the following preventions: first, the government need to set more rigid rules to prevent teenagers from buying drugs and guns. Second, the community should work with teenagers and provide alternatives such as youth-oriented social services recreation, volunteer opportunities and job training. Third, the school should educate teenagers to be more tolerant of others and respect others. Fourth, parents must become familiar with indicators of their child’s potential involvement of using drugs or guns.

In conclusion, teenagers are in the stage of developing independence and identity. They are using drugs and guns to gain peer support, security, and acceptance. The government, the community, the school, and parents should work together to provide appropriate guidance to prevent them from crime.

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