Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Omaira Valencia: Homophobia

Canada has been one of the first countries to approve equal rights for same-sex couples. Since 1995, when Ontario legalized adoptions by same –sex couples laws have been supporting gay and lesbian right. The issue of Human Rights has concerned all levels of society. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms does not discriminate against any people because of their religion, race, sex or sexual orientation. As a consequence, Homophobia is not a pressing problem in Canada
In Canada, all people have equal rights. The Canadian Charter protects human rights, not only for Canadian citizen but also for Permanent Residents. Rights do not depend on one’s profile or financial situation. Rights are equal for all people before the law. In the past decades, Canada has been recognized over the world as a leader in freedom and peace, and Canadian People are appreciated in all countries
Percentage of immigrants is very high in Canada. Canada needs immigrants and immigrants need Canada. The population of Canada is shaped by many people with different home countries, different religions and races. In all work places, universities and colleges it is possible to see a diversity of cultures. For that reason, people who live in Canada are used to tolerating others, including people with different sexual orientation.
It is important to remember that equal rights do not imply identical rights. Hence, in Canada a lot of people think that lesbians and gays rights do not involve adopting children as a right. Children need parents of different sex for upbringing in a correct way. In addition, tolerance and respect are a priority in the social life in any country, but tolerance does not mean agreement or acceptance of this kind of behaviour in our own life.

Canada is an open country to different cultures and life styles. At the same time, it is a country where following rules and laws is a critical point to preserve all rights. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms does not make discrimination. As a consequence, Homophobia is not a pressing problem in Canada. All of us are immigrants, and all of us have many reasons to give thanks to this country; nevertheless, we also have to bear in mind that our rights end when the rights of the others begin.

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