Monday, September 22, 2008

Peggy Chen: EQ

Will high IQ lead to success in life? Is high IQ the necessity to be successful in life? According to statistics, high IQ contributes only 20% to the factors that determine success. The rest of 80% comes from other factors and EQ is a major impact on how successfully you live your life. The most important EQ skills include self-awareness, self-control, self-motivation, empathy and people skills. I believe among them, self-awareness and people skills are the biggest contributors to success.

Self-awareness is one of the important contributors to success. Highly successful people always possess excellent mood management. They understand their emotions very well and never let them get out of control. Once people know what they are feeling then they are able to decide how the best for themselves. Moreover, they are good in tackling with their stressful situation. They have the ability to find a solution to release them and don’t let them get in the way of their life. They even treat stress as a pusher that makes them always keep moving along. In addition, they also don’t hesitate to look at themselves. They assess their strengths and weaknesses, so that they know how to minimize their weaknesses and how to maximize their strengths. Hence, they can perform better. They also clearly understand what they want and why they want it. Thus, they can make a proper decision and boost their motivation to make things become a reality.

People skill is another important contributor to success. The ability to communicate with others is a great people skill. First of all, people should speak up to ensure meet their needs, and have clarity and purpose when they talk. In this way, you can easily break the barriers between people and you. Not only care about yourself; likewise, it’s important to care for others. When we listen to another person, we can interact with each other and develop a relationship. Secondly, to relate to other people is important in every situation. The better we know the feeling behind other people’s signals, the better we control the signal we respond. Moreover, people come with different temperament, competence and so on. Don’t feel resentful when they own the ability or assets and you don’t. Collaboration with them will benefit you to go beyond what you can do on your own.

There are many EQ skills, all of them are important and are the factors to success. Self-awareness deals with understanding, controlling and adjusting to people’s actions. Without self-awareness, people will not be able to control and improve their behavior as well as pilot their lives. People all live in society so great people skills can help communication, relationship and interaction with others, and then achieve effectiveness. Hence, self-awareness and people skills are the most crucial EQ skills to success.

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