Scientists measure intelligence using a test known as the IQ test which predicts how well children would do in school. After many years, American psychologist Daniel Golman invented another test that measured emotional intelligence or EQ.EQ includes skills such as understanding ones own emotions and relating well to other people. When children are born, they have a basic level of EQ , but they can learn and increase their EQ. The EQ helps us to achieve our golden dreams .Among EQ skills, self awareness and impulse control are the greatest contribute to success.
Self awareness is one of the important EQ skills which contribute to success. First of all ,we have to learn the basic knowledge of our different feelings and their effects on our bodies .The keystone of emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize a feeling as it happens. For example, when people who fear snakes are shown a picture of a snake, different parts of their bodies respond to that feeling of fear .The sweat glands, nervous system, muscles and among others respond to anxiety even though they said they do not feel fear. To developing self awareness which contributes to success, it is better we evaluate our feelings and stop the negative parts of it .
Impulse control is another important EQ skills which tend to lead people to success. The essence of emotional self regulation is the ability to delay impulse. The results of a study in Stanford University show four –year-old children were told they could have a single treat, such as a marshmallow, right away. However, if they would wait while the experimenter ran an errand, they could have two marshmallows immediately. Some of the children were able to wait, and sustain themselves in their struggle, they used different methods. In adolescent, the children who as four –years-old had been able to wait for marshmallows were more socially competent and self assertive, and better able to cope with life’s frustration .Those adolescent reached their goals and were more successful in their life. The ability to resist impulse can be developed with practice. We, therefore, have to think about our long term goals such as a medical degree or losing weight. Then, we can find it easier to keep from settling for the single marshmallow.
In conclusion, about eighty percent of the factors that determine success are EQ skills. Then we have to know the major factors and develop them. One of the most important one is that we should practice to reach the best result. Because we have a basic level of emotional intelligence at birth practice is the only way of developing it.
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