More than 200 years ago, people used to measure intelligence by measuring the size and shape of a person’s head; later test was developed into a more modern test known as IQ (intelligence quotient). Researchers found that IQ tests did not accurately predict the success of a person in his life. Recent researches and theories of intelligence comprise emotional intelligence, EQ. David Goleman an American Psychologist considered that EQ includes skills concerning how a person empathizes with others and relate well to other people. Among the EQ skills, the most important ones are: self-control, and people skills.
In fact, living in the same house with a wife and children, one should not blow up directly whenever there is something wrong happening in the house, so he has to take the things easily and solve the problems by negotiations. Some times problems take place between neighbors; self-control is important in such situation to handle the anger by wisdom and good wiring between them leads to living together with respect. Self-control with surrounding environment plays a role in the success of a person; people with different personalities meet daily in the street, subway, schools, and work. We have to meet them with politeness and proficiency. At work, for example if the boss speaks with you roughly because of your imperfect performance in doing your job, you should hold up your upset and annoyance with an open mind, and not to make a fuss during the discussion between the both of you. On the other hand, the boss has to begin his note by encouraging and describing your positive task that you had done. In brief the success of a person in his life depends on his daily behaviors.
How well people communication important to built a good relation to empathize and to recognize the feeling of each others. Further more people have to respect the customs and traditions of the other community feelings, without any discrimination, in religion, race, and color. In addition, building a solid block of respect between people and countries will enhance the relationship and strengthen the feeling of living in peace all over the world. All in all, the relating well to people is important to built success.
In summery, although many researchers and psychologists have conducted research on intelligence during the last two centuries, I predict that there will be more and more studies concerning this field which could be contradictory with the EQ results.
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