Saturday, February 20, 2010

Maryam Karami: Factors that contributes to success

  I guess everybody has heard many life stories of successful people in the world, and they have noticed that triumph has different meanings to different people. Success could be reached in different ways, but for any achievement, there are always some golden keys. I believe the most important factors that lead to success could be divided into two main groups; personal and environmental factors.

  Personal factors are important in achieving success. Firstly, hard work helps us to overcome most of the obstacles in our way. Practicing in any subject helps one to gain more knowledge and experience. For example, the more operation a surgeon does, the more skilful he/she becomes. Also industrious people are committed and focused. Moving from one interest to another one never leads anyone to success. Secondly, talent is a merit to achieve our goals. Innate abilities are a gift that makes someone more especial and powerful in some ways. To illustrate, Salvador Dalli, a great talented artist, achieved surrealism, a new method of painting, by his unique ability to bridge the dreams with realism in his paintings. Aptitude as another perspective of talent is another issue; the more easily, faster and better one learns, the closer he/she will be to success. On the social level people who have stronger ability to learn are more popular and ahead in the society.

  Environmental factors impact the achievement of success. First and foremost, to achieve an aim successfully, everyone needs some facilities. Money is one of them; as an example, to run a business strongly, for everyone the financial foundation is essential. Having the right equipment is as important as any other ones, such as outer space explorations which require stay-of-the art technology. Moreover, to reach triumph, everyone needs luck to play a beautiful role. Meeting right people who can advice, introduce or connect one to others can lead he/she to be fortunate. When someone wants to find a job in a very famous company and there are several other applicants, he/she will have advantage if he/she has an old friend in a high position there. Also luck depends on the right time too. There is always a golden moment that no one should let it to slip by, like when someone plays chess, every right movement should be in the right moment to win.

  Although being a successful person is not easy, it is truly worth working hard for it. For this reason, everyone needs to know himself and the environment as much as he/she can; Choosing the goal based on abilities and opportunities, persevering, working hard and tackling difficulties; they should always remember that every step toward success gives them steam and strength, which is an important achievement itself. Therefore it is good to be strong, smart and diligent and never let the golden opportunities flutter away.

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