Sunday, November 29, 2009
Larissa: Shopping
Modern society made the humankind accept shopping as the mainstream, one of the most important sides of routine life due to the ubiquitous stereotypes exposed from the blue screens of TV-sets. Shopping has become a common way for self-affirmation of the persons with lack of self-confidence. In dependence on particular features of personality, such as temper, emotionality, sociability, shopping is obviously the way of spending leisure-time as well. Thus, at present, real cultural wealth has changed with aimless loitering among the endless shelves of the stores. However, it’s remarkable that a number of customers notice positive cheerful charge, walking together with the friends, having long sprightly conversations. Moreover, shopping is the most convenient action in cases concerning both visible quality of the goods, such as perception of texture, taste, size, color, scent, and opportunity to compare analogous goods of wide exposed brands with other items having similar characteristics and cheaper prices.
From the other side, there is an opposite method of buying, so-called “on-line” one. This method is favorable for timid and bashful people, who prefer to be in isolation and estrangement from the today’s society. These inadaptable people are apt to operate with flying life from their computers and have some specific features of their personality. On the other hand, the online buys are unique method without losing free time, that’s very important for people immersed in business, which are very determined and relevant to dump their vital space with the useless and needless belongings. Evidently, there are several disadvantages of this way, such as impossibility to estimate the real appearance, quality, technical characteristics of a preferable item.
As for myself, I prefer to estimate the features of items with my own perceptions, to feel a texture, smell a delicate scent, fit an appropriate size, and compare a saturation of color. After ordering on-line several items, I found out that buying the pig in a poke isn’t reasonable deed. However, the men seem to be willing to purchase everything on-line, without wasting time, in comparing with the women who prefer to walk, talk, accept new impressions and let their imagination carry them away from daily reality.
Shayesteh, Jason, Sharon: Violence and Children
The media affects children because it reflects the violence of society. The media amplifies the violence to attract the audience. For instance, when the media produces fantastic criminal episodes, children feel that will be “cool” and amazing. A victory is exciting in the war scenes and kids like to be a winner or a hero. In addition, the media provide children violent scenes of the world. For example, the violent cartoons are filled with aggressive action drawn the children. While the virtual hero of cartoons solves the problems with physical force, kids are fascinated by those violent stories. As a result they think they should have the experiences in their lives.
The media teaches children violence. It doesn’t matter how old children are. Scientists are warning the children’s viewing violence will cause violence. When they show the guns, children know about guns. Children cannot judge, and they don’t know which way is better and just swallow it. Kids like to be heroes who are in their minds; therefore, the media provides a lot of the models for children to imitate. In a study psychologists traced the children behavior for thirteen years. They found children who watch more violent TV shows will get more aggressive. Children learn the styles of speaking or behavior of figures in the TV shows. However, the influences of the roles on children are integrated including what they say and what they do.
To sum up, violence is so pervasive in our society and children learn to behave violently from media reflecting the violence of society. Our kids are surrounded by all kinds of media nowadays, and they are not able to avoid the impact of the media. The media shouldn’t make some kind of rating system such as the V-chip to block its violence? Parents also have the responsibility for educating their children how to choose the suitable programs, and how to recognize the reality.
Arash Salimi: Immigration
fact that all immigrants face lots of obstacles from the first moment, they will triumph
hardships with some effort ultimately. For instance, in the 1800’s, England faced a financial
collapse; as a result, many people like Susana Moody decided to immigrate to Canada to have a
better life. When they settled in strange new land, they started to face many challenges for a long period of time. At last, Susana and her family overcame every hardship and made a successful and happy life. Susana Moody’s story of hardships reminds us of the obstacles that all immigrants have to face in order to succeed in their new country.
Immigrants have to triumph emotional hardships. First of all, they will miss their families, native
countries and previous lives. Like Susana who missed England, her sisters and her earlier life as a
member of wealthy family; She felt so lonely because there was nobody whom she could turn to
except Thomas, her husband. Secondly, throughout hard times and when facing hardships, an immigrant may become disappointed and depressed. For instance, I became despair when I could not get admitted to university right away after being only 1 month in Canada which seemed somehow illogical like Susana who became hopeless during struggling with hardships.
Furthermore, immigrants will meet material challenges. Firstly, finding a job is the most crucial
and also the most challenging part. For example, I have not been able to find a job although I have been seeking for a long time. As for the Moodies, Canada was not industrialized in the early 1800’s; consequently, there were almost no job opportunities here. As a result, Thomas, Susana’s husband, could not have a job as soon as he wanted to cover their daily expenses, so he, who was a loyalist, had no choice, but to join the army in order to make a living. In addition, the level of life or the life style might be changed and lowered. For example, Susana’s life was transformed completely. In her earlier life, Susana was a wealthy girl who had seen only the gentle aspect of life, but in Canada she had to struggle with hard life conditions in order to survive.
Many people emigrate from their land to make a better life. They will face lots of
hardships at first which should be overcome. One type of such challenges is emotional challenges like missing family, previous life and native country, or being disappointed throughout meeting hard times. Another one is material problems like getting a job, or having the life style changed or transformed. Ultimately, with some efforts, all immigrants can survive difficulties and make a happy life
Arash Salimi: Shopping
Simulated shopping has some advantages for individuals. First and foremost, it can store a great deal of time for busy people. To illustrate, purchasing goods takes a lot of the parent’s time, especially the working ones. They have no extra time to spend in malls deciding what they need and browsing for it. In addition, students who live away from their home are so busy that sometimes cannot even take adequate rest, and online shopping helps them a lot.
Moreover, there are some benefits for society. First of all, simulated purchasing cause people not to come out for every simple need. As a consequence, there would be less traffic and air pollution. Furthermore, newly arrived merchandises can be easier known and found with internet shopping. For instance, someone who is looking for newest Nokia mobile phone can find it easily by browsing the net for some minutes.
To sum up, people should buy what they need whether online or in store. Virtual shopping has some benefits for both individuals like saving time and for society like decreasing traffic and air pollution. Despite the fact that in-store shopping is more common, online shopping is a more convenient and economic way for supplying needs.
Mona Momtaz: Children and Violence
The family has a negative effect on children. Firstly, parents can affect their children’s violent behaviors. Some parents do not pay attention to their actions. They set bad examples to their children. For example, when parents have arguments, they often use violence against each other, and some parents treat people impolitely; they usually use S words or F words. As a result, children copy and follow their parents’ actions and languages. Secondly, values of family also can impact on children and make them violent. Children receive ideas from the family. If the family gives wrong instructions to children, they will mislead children. For example, if a family thinks stealing is not bad thing, so the children will become thieves. Moreover, Family doesn’t help children learn some knowledge. Children can’t judge what is wrong and what is right. They engage in violent behaviors easily.
Sometimes, society contributes to criminal behaviors in children. People have influence on each other. If children’s friends have some violent behaviors, the children have the same problems. Children want to show their power by violence. For instance, children compete for status in the hierarchy of peer groups, which makes some of them masters and the rest subordinates. In addition, children can learn violent behaviors from public place. When they are at school, they speak coarse words, talk about violent programs, and hear some murder stories. They are excited to mock violent behavior. When children are in streets, maybe they see some people fighting, or shooting. They don’t consider the negative results. They are interested in following those activities.
In general, children’s violent behaviors exist in our lives. Every person and some organizations should be concerned about it. We have a responsibility to protect children. We should reduce and control the violent behaviors.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Svetlana Nevolnichenko: Lost in Translation
Eva is a Jewish girl born in Poland who immigrated to Canada at age thirteen. Elizabeth is Chinese born in America. Both Eva and Elizabeth grow up in immigrant’s families, where parents don’t assimilate into the host cultures. Both of them are the oldest children in their families. Both Eva and Elizabeth have siblings who often are inadequate towards parents. Eva’s mother can’t accept to the norms of the new reality. Likewise, Elizabeth’s mother can’t get used to the conditions of the host country. Eva pities her mother when her sister challenges mother’s authority. Similarly, Elizabeth sympathizes with her mother when her brother rudely criticizes their mother’s English. Eva suffers because she feels distraction and uncertainty of her mother and Elizabeth does too. Eva is a mediator between her family and outside world, as Elizabeth.
Eva tries to adapt to the host country. She embraces norms of behaviour in Canada. Likewise, Elizabeth accepts the norms of American life. Eva feels her belonging to the
Canadian culture as Elizabeth feels her belonging to the American culture. Eva becomes Canadian, but she doesn’t release her roots. Similarly, Elizabeth thinks of herself as multicultural. She is American, but she can‘t ignore her Chinese background.
World views of both Eva and Elizabeth form from two different cultures. I think this experience will help them in their adult life.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Atissa Gerami: Military

Military service has an important role in some countries. Although the proponent states that it has many benefits to young people many of people don’t accept this, so Mandatory Service has advantages and disadvantages.
Military Services have some advantages. At first, military service teaches young people to be patriotic; moreover they learn how to love their countries and respect the national rules. In addition, they learn how to make great decisions, and be more responsible; therefore, they are sharper and they learn how to respect rules and the others; for example, sometimes in whole life people have to make great decisions that can be very important. Moreover, they teach them to be independent; as a matter of fact, by these abilities they can support their families in the feather.
However, there are some disadvantages of the mandatory military service; sometimes, they have to participate in war, and this is very hard and difficult both mentally and physically; as a matter of fact, being in war is horrible especially for young; in addition, their families are worried about their children which can affect on whole family. War can affect their personalities, so they can not behave in a right way. Moreover, the government would be charged. It is a big financial burden on society. For example, we can see the effects of the war between United State of America and Vietnam.
Consequently, in my opinion mandatory and obligation is not accepted and these services must be chosen by people, forcing and pushing them for every reason can make them angry, and they do not behave as well as they do .
Maryam Karami: Military Service

Any mandatory issues in human’s life look mostly unpleasant, but not necessarily all of them are useless. Even mandatory duties could bring us such delightful memories that no other time or situation could, but it could be reverse, too. Based on this idea, mandatory military service in some countries has both bright sides and dark sides.
Mandatory military service is beneficial in some ways. First of all, the military service has positive personal. Wordy, a soldier serving in the military learns to be more responsible and organized in his life. There are rules that teach every soldier to be disciplined in their lives. The other good point is the difficult trainings and staying far from comfortable home environment and close friends provides a tough situation that automatically gives them stronger personality and self-steam. Secondly, military has positive social effects. The positive social effects diverge to two main views; for example, in case of war a trained army would be needed in any society to protect the country and people. Also, in some emergencies a trained group of soldiers could help efficiently, like earth quakes, fire or any other disasters.
However, mandatory military service has negative effects in some points too. First, one of the personal disadvantages is that there is no little income for the person who serves in the military. The other one is the period of life time that is spent in this way could be used to be trained in a desirable profession. Secondly, the dark side of such duties can affect on the society. One of the major issues is that the young group of the society, who have to serve the military, sometimes gets a very negative and aggressive attitude toward government that puts social security in danger. The other one is that the government has to assign a noticeable budget to train and keep a large group of soldiers during their mandatory service period.
Despite the advantages, in my opinion, mandatory military service is necessary. It is important to be ready in order to defend the country and also in any widespread or sever situation. It is going to be too late to gather and train groups if needs come, yet considering the importance of each person’s life, mandatory military service has to be short in time and paid for reasonably.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Marjan Kiany: Travel
These two stories are similar in two points. The lessons they learned from their travels can be the similarity of their experiences. We are all responsible for one another is one of the lessons. In Frommers’ story, people celebrate together without caring about the religious differences. In Village of idiots, people participate in a couple’s marriage ceremony to make them happy. We are all alike is another lesson. By reading the article and the film, we perceive that everybody has his or her own concern. In How travel changed my life, Frommer met two Japanese parents who were concerned about their kid’s teacher. In the movie, parent’s concern was their kid’s fighting.
On the other hand, there are two contradictions between “How travel changed my life” and “The village of idiots”. Their approaches are different. In How travel changed my life Frommer travelled around the world to have good understanding of other parts of the world. In Village of idiots, Schmendrik saw just his own city from another view point. In addition, in Frommers’ story, he faced with different people from different nationalities. In The village of idiots, Schmendrik met his own people. Moreover, their achievements are different. Frommer was more knowledgeable than Schmendrik. Schmendrik was not wise enough even to choose the right way; he could not realize that so many similarities are questionable.
Consequently, the point of view of Frommer is different from Schmendrik. He saw people with other nationalities whose actions are similar. He becomes mature by seeing the differences besides similarities. Schmendrik did not achieve maturity. He just realizes the similarities. Everybody can trust Frommer experiences, for he had real experiences. It is obvious when somebody travels a lot, he or she gains more experiences.
Lynn Son: Stereotypes
First of all, standardized images are big causes of stereotypes. They are very inflexible. Inflexibility is not a good for understanding of uniqueness. Stereotypes make us ignore uniqueness. They also create dogmatism in us. Prejudice causes stereotypes in us. We have prejudice about ethnic, sexual, religious groups. We sometimes lack diversity among us, so we tend to refuse experience and acceptance. Standardized images blind us.
Mass media is another cause of stereotypes. Often, parodies are based on multiculturalism. Comedians tell jokes, not the truth. In movies like “Remember the Titans” the people in the same town live dividedly depending on their skin colour. Also, in the movie “I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry”, there are people who tend to discriminate homosexuality. These movies teach us not to have stereotypes. Cynicisms make us take bias. What we learn from cynicism becomes the base of our thinking. The mass media is only so big. We usually take in everything we read or learn in the mass media, unless we know it is false. Mass media is probably the biggest and strongest provider of information, however, that is why it is so dangerous.
In my opinion, stereotypes are bad. It is so easy to become stereotypical, but it so hard to become not stereotypical. That is because when we meet new people, we start off with stereotypes, not fresh. Stereotypes are inflexible. The mass media supports stereotypes. The mass media is big, and carries stereotypical information. Do you feel different about your neighbors? It is good if you do.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Lynn Son: The Internet
These are ways of the Internet has improved our life. First of all, it gives us information. We can get and share new knowledge from web sites such as GOOGLE and YAHOO. It brings us up to date with not only the latest news but also our needs. Another advantage of the internet is convenience. It is the greatest access to information. It is also very portable. You could access internet with cell phone, palm and net book whenever and wherever. It has another advantage of speed and saving the time. You do not have to go outside to do your shopping. Instead you can go the internet and look for your favorite products. However, the internet, like everything else has its own flaw on the pearl.
There may be some advantages in the internet. The Internet causes people to be isolated from the society and cuts off relationship. It makes people hermits and loses humanity. Another problem is Internet addiction. Also they become addicted it. They feel like they need to use the Internet everyday to survive. Our lives could be center around the Internet just like our daily meals and rests. It has another downside. Even without proven information, it could spread as quickly as fire; the internet users accept the information without a second thought. It influences people to believe nonsense rumors as if it really exists.
As a result the internet has its positives and negatives. It depends on how you use it. It could make us social hermits or it could be an unreliable library. As well, we cannot imagine our lives without modern technology such as the internet with a capacity of information. What kind of user would you prefer to be? How about we have a right judgment and try to filter harmful information when we use it.
Lynn Son: Private Schools
This is advantage of the private schools. For one thing, its philosophy of education is noticeable. It respects each and every student’s uniqueness as individuals. The private school students can choose freely their interests and develop individually. They also have more chance to know as much as they need because of its method of teaching. They learn one by one and step by step depending on their ability, although non private schools students learn in groups all at once. Other advantages of the private schools are academic challenges. It has diverse curriculums. It teaches academic skills as well entertainments, such as art, music and more experiment with science. The students in the private schools have more opportunities of playing musical instrument and experiences.
However, it has disadvantages. The numbers of students in private schools are limited. Students in average families could hardly get opportunities, because of its tuition. This is exceedingly high for average families. Furthermore, it has other disadvantages of the lack of real life and social environment. The students in the private schools do not have enough chance to get along with the less fortunate. They could be less aware of social environment and what is happing around world.
In my opinion, the private schools have advantages and disadvantages. I could not say it is ideal for your children and my children. Also I am neither passionate nor dissatisfied about it. Are you interested applying for these educational advantages even if it has these risks? These benefits might encourage you accept to it or disadvantages discourge you not to accept it.
Lynn Son: Crime
First of all, family history is the first cause of crime. First, family relationship is really important to childhood. This loveless childhood makes those who have no one to talk to commit crime easily. Divorce of parents develops nonchalant behaviors as well as wanting to leave their troubled homes. This is unconcern; nobody is there to fix their problems, cheer them on, or care for them. They only establish their personalities by themselves. Most of the criminals have records of criminal family as children see, children do. Second, poverty in family is an essential cause of crime. Their needy childhood makes them commit minor crimes. They want to get what others have and have a full stomach. It makes people to grow from pencil thieves into bank robbers. The minor criminals are often forced by circumstances like unstable employment, low wage and financial problems.
Society is also responsible for crime. Education from school and community is insufficient. Most of the juvenile offences who have poor judgments did not complete school. Either they were underachievers, or they were expelled from school. Society is reform programs for the criminals are ineffective; seems to be futile to train them for new lives, for the juvenile offenders are not rehabilitated. Our society hates criminal and turns them away from our surroundings. Mass media, meanwhile, is a supporter of crime. The first offenders’ crime is often imitated from the mass media. The criminal has free information on the Internet, and movies send out violence and scenes of crime without filter. Peer groups from school or neighborhood influence juveniles to unexpectedly turn into crime. These groups put pressure on youth offender to commit crime easily.
In my opinion, crime is a combination of consequences from family history and society. Though no reasons could be used as an excuse for crime, it should be considered in public. The family has to remember that an example is better than advising, and to raise the children fondly. Society has to support effectively until the criminals find their niche in the society. We should admit that it is not their own fault; moreover, we have to find fault with all of us. Do you want to start your fresh morning without criminal news? How about joining me to help stop crime before it starts?
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Su Yup Kim: French Immersion
program of intensive instruction of French as a second language for non-
francophone students. Currently, over 300,000 students are enrolled
across the country. Although some people have raised questions, French
Immersion schools have been supported in various ways. These are some
advantages of French Immersion schools.
French Immersion schools promote bilingualism. Bilingualism has been
shown to have positive effects. Besides enhancing a person’s cognitive
skills, it is also a powerful asset in the world. In written and oral
Communication, French Immersion students perform as well as native
French students. By the end of their education, students are perfectly
fluent in French. They are capable of participating in French community
and are eligible to study at a French university.
French Immersion schools help students to be globalized. In French
Immersion schools, students learn a variety cultures of other countries.
Therefore, students gain a deeper understanding of the customs and
history of the other country. In addition, students will have a greater
number of global career options. With a lifelong ability to communicate
with French-speakers, within Canada and around the globe they will be
able to find jobs in the global market.
French Immersion schools have grown in popularity across Canada over
the past several decades. They provide students with many benefits, both
tangible and intangible. Many results show that French Immersion students
outperform their counterparts in non-immersion programs. Bilingual
education is an increasingly popular option for parents.
Suyup Kim: The Internet

So much of our modern life depends on the Internet. Numbers of people start
their day with the Internet and finish with the Internet as well. People can do a
variety of things just by clicking. However, not everybody is happy with this
invention. They believe the Internet is changing our lives for the worse. The
Internet has improved but at the same time, diminished our quality of life.
These are the ways the Internet has improved our quality of life. The Internet is
full of information and you can find anything that you want. When people have
a project , they start to search the Internet to get the information. It is a
usual that before one leaves on vacation, he/she always gets the information and
makes a reservation on the Internet. The development of Internet skills helps us
to save time. People can do business on the Internet easily because people can
contact with anyone all over the world. Through 0n-line shopping people save
time and effort. The Internet expands personal relations. People can discuss and exchange their opinions freely. On the Internet people are sharing the same
tastes such as an anglers’ club or a music lovers’ society.
These are the ways the internet has diminished our quality of life. Using the
Internet all the time can destroy one’s lifestyle. When people use the Internet,
they usually spend more time than necessary. A growing number of people
immerse themselves in online games or surfing the web. An excess of Internet
usage isolates one from other people. Staying up all night and withdrawing from
their real life friends make people isolated from their family members and
friends. People can harm their health through compulsive Internet behavior.
There is also Information overflow on the Internet so it is difficult to know
what is real information. Hackers can invade the privacy of users by hacking a
person’s blog. Online fraud would increase because it is difficult to know the
person’s name or face on the Internet.
The Internet has improved our quality of life, but it has caused many problems,
too. Treating the problem isn’t easy because a lot of our life is spent on the
Internet. Therefore, people should try to learn how to develop balanced habits
and decide what they should avoid. I think the most important thing is using the
Internet in appropriate ways.
Ernest Yavnik: Technology

Our quality of life has diminished recently by Technology in certain ways. One of the causes is, for sure, the Cell Phone. Nowadays, one’s privacy can be easily violated by unexpected irritating cell phone calls. It has also become more and more common to see best friends talking on the phone for hours instead of just meeting each other so that they could share their problems and feelings in a more natural way. Another factor that can decrease our life’s quality is personal stereo equipment. One who uses such devices becomes totally disconnected from the environment; he stays indifferent to immediate problems of people around him/her. Using these devices can also lead to many unpredictable dangerous situations, such as road accidents, fire and many others. One should not forget that listening to personal music players at a high volume over a sustained period can lead to permanent hearing loss. Internet can also be a threat of our quality of life. Some people don’t even pay attention to the fact they get addicted to it, spending all their free time on the web living virtual life instead of the real one. Information available on the Internet can be misleading and incorrect because of lack of control. Finally, computers with internet access are potentially vulnerable to hacker attacks.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Alex Kuen: The Internet

Nowadays, The Internet has become an important part of our lives. There are millions of people who use the Internet in the world every day. However, not everyone is happy with this invention. They think the Internet is changing our lives for the worse. As every coin has two sides, the Internet has advantages and disadvantages.
People enjoy the advantages of the Internet today. It helps us find information easily. When we do some searches, we can find lots information from the Internet. We can use it to find a location, a postal code or a company’s website. In addition, we can share our ideas with other people. Twitter, a mini blog website, is becoming a popular tool to share ideas and information on the Internet. The Internet is an easy way to communicate with others. We make friends from social network websites and enjoy chatting with them. It is also a good way to connect to the family. Especially, if you work and study abroad, video chatting on the Internet makes the distance shorter.
On the other hand, the Internet has diminished quality of our lives in several ways. Some people are addicted to the Internet. They can’t make decisions and find the information without the Internet. They spend all of their time playing the Internet games and give up their studies. We are struggling in amounts of information. The news that comes from the different Medias has different viewpoints. Although we can find the latest news easily on the Internet, they confound us. Because everyone can post messages, it is difficult to judge which one is true or false.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Marjan Kiyani: Animal Farm

In general, people rebel to obtain freedom, good prospect and
comfortable life. Even though their motto is based on democracy, it is very rare to see their success like the India’s revolution by Gandhi. It is a fact that a successful revolution needs a great soul. The “Animal farm” is similar to the most contemporary revolutions which happened in many countries.
The “Animal farm” is a political story by George Orwell. This story is about a farm whose owner Mr. Jones forced animals to toil with little food. “Old Major” was a wise pig who assembled a meeting to talk about the animals’ rebellion to obtain freedom. Eventually, animals rebelled while they suffered from hunger. The pigs who believed themselves as shrewd and intelligent took the leaderships position. One of them was Snowball who tried to educate the animals. Another one was Napoleon, who always had Squealer as a support. Both leaders always argued. Snowball disagreed with Napoleon about building a windmill, so he left the farm after being chased by Napoleon’s guards. Then Napoleon changed the policies and laws gradually. He changed the seven commandments that were Major’s beliefs of rebellion. He was a dictator in the farm. Animals toiled with less food than Mr Jones’s time, who left the farm after rebellion. Napoleon pretended everything was fine and threatened the animals not to have any complaints. Finally, the animals found themselves betrayed by pigs, and all the original principles changed.
All revolutions are similar because before any revolution, the leaderships make their effort to receive people’s attention. They give them hope to attract their attention. In the “Animal farm”, pigs as the leadership talked about freedom, so the other animals were encouraged to believe them. Moreover, the leaders need people’s vote as an agreement for their decisions. In the story, pigs required the animal’s agreement to be the only group who can make the decisions. In addition, they promise good economical prospects, for example, building some structures to achieve energy and obtain economical aims. In the story, the pigs wanted to build a windmill to help their economic issues. They forced animals to work hard like slaves with less food to save money, while they ate well and had best facilities to make the right decisions for them.
Another similarity among all the rebellions is that after revolution, the leaders change. They just think about the ways to achieve their goals. They select governors by themselves to dominate them. The leadership change to a dictator who may discharge the governors who may oppose them. This taboo may involve people’s benefit, but they do not care about people. Although one may see some leaders who may be concerned about helping people, the dictators prevent them do an action which would cause trouble for them; for instance, in the”Animal farm” Napoleon expels Snowball for helping animals to be knowledgeable. In some case, these dictator leaders fool people. If they think that they can obtain more benefit they may change the democratics laws. In the story, Napoleon wanted to follow some aims, which were against the commandment, so he changed them. Moreover, they force people to accept the situation as it is. Even they threaten people not to protest; as an example, in the story if one of animals complained, he or she faced with napoleon guard.
In conclusion, people rebel to have free speech, free vote, in general democracy, but they should pay its price. They shouldn’t lose their hope and fight for that. They should look at the small hole in the cave’s wall which a small light comes out of. Be hopeful to make the hole bigger and bigger and finally break the cave’s wall.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Sepideh Shahverdi: Teen Violence
fighting, stabbing, and shooting on the news. A sixteen-year-old boy, for example,
carried a gun to his school, and killed and injured some of his peers. What do teens
commit crimes for? Do they understand the danger they are causing to themselves
and others? What makes teens turn to violence? How can their environments affect
on them? There are several causes responsible for teen violence.
Parents have the most responsibility for teen violence. Firstly, parents’ violence
has serious effects on teens. Teens are hurt due to seeing or hearing parents’
violence; therefore, any physical or verbal violence such as hitting, pushing, and
even shouting has an impact on teens. Secondly, parents are role models for their
children, and they must raise their children in a happy family. As a consequence of
divorce, teens become more aggressive and violent. Besides, the lack of love and
attention in the family is another factor that causes violence.
Also, media is to blame for teen violence. Firstly, media violence leads teen to
behave more violence. In fact, watching murder and mayhem on media has a
strong influence on teens; they are persuaded to hit others. Secondly, media guides
teens’ behaviors. Teens always want to imitate the actions of media heroes;
moreover, they learn to use violence as the method of solving problems.
In conclusion both cruel parents and raunchy programs can cause teen violence.
How can teens be protected from violence? Parents need to protect them by
prevention programs; for instance, they can raise teens’ awareness about the results
of violence. Furthermore, teaching them to find an appropriate way to express their
anger and helping them to develop their sense of responsibility and self control
could be useful ways to prevent violence.
Marjan Kiany: Teen Violence
The type of society is one of the factors which cause teen violence. Children are born in families, and learn from them. We expect children not to fight, while their parents argue to impose their notion. When children are trying new jobs, or making a decision, or when they want to be known as matured in their peer group, they need their parents support. If parents do not help them or guide them, they feel that nobody understands them. Friends are not exception from this story. They affect each other directly by guiding in a wrong way intentionally or unintentionally. In this way, friends may encourage them to do violence. They may know that this way is wrong, but violence is attractive for them.
Another reason for teen violence is the media. Media reflect violence by presenting it. Sometimes children think that they are capable of doing bad actions, but when they see rudeness is happening everywhere in news, or the media, they will loos their sensitivity. Teens face some problems in their age because they are growing, their ideas are changing and they want to reach their aims quickly. Media show them new notion by similar cases or trashy program; for example, they can see how a boy commits suicides when the going gets tough for him. The media is widespread and accessible for everyone and any where. They present their information, program or advertisement by Television, Radio, Newspaper, and Internet. Parents might control their children by V-Chip or rating, but they can not prevent them from working by Computer. In spite of the fact that parents use V-Chip to control children, they can access to the code if they are smart. Some children prefer to follow violence program while their parents are far from the house.
In conclusion, although the media is widespread, parents can help their children to choose a program which is suitable for them by having friendly relationship and useful comments during the program playback. Parents should highlight the good point of the program content. It will be more enjoyable if children have fun with wholesome and attractive programs.
Masoud Tizrounoubari: Teen Violence
Family is the first and foremost reason that causes forty three percent of teen violence. While genetics contributes to a tendency for aggressive behaviors even if environmental factors are excluded. Recent research demonstrates a multi factorial model with a couple of possible genes that are inherited from parents may be involved. Also one of the most important duties of a father or a mother is being responsible about their children; consequently when children are growing up and reaching to teen ages, children directly influences by their parents; for example in a home that parents don’t have appropriate relationship and arguing every day with each other or they don’t pay enough attention to their children’s needs, chance of violence would be higher than other families. By the other hand especially in crowded families fight between teen siblings can cause teen violence; more over in some studies have been shown that less than four years age differ between siblings can lead them to more fight in the family and more violence in teenagers.
Society is the other reason of teen violence that causes twenty percent of teen violence. Mass Media as a part of communication technology of society with a tremendous addressee could have been one of the several reasons of teen violence. Therefore television as a part of mass media can be a powerful influence in developing value systems and shaping behavior in teenagers. Unfortunately, much of today's television programming is full of scenes of sex and violence. Also nowadays access to the Internet especially online gaming and spending time in front of computer, where that there are many violent games, shows and movies, can lead teenagers to act like them; more over Teens who commit acts of violence are often involved in other types of risky or criminal behavior. They may use drugs, carry weapons and drive recklessly. In spite of the fact that good relation ship between classmates and peer groups can help teenagers to share their ideas and develop role of being as a member of society in the future, in some cases this kind of relation ships with no supervision can be harmful and can lead teenagers to violence.
In conclusion good relation ship between parents and also sibling at home and spending time to talk and communicate with teenagers, a great household life with no arguments and big disagreements, supervising teenagers to help them to choosing good friends can provide a nice atmosphere for teenagers at home or society to prevent themselves from participating violence; on the other hand a responsible media in society that provide teenager’s needs by showing wholesome programs specially in the prime time or by changing some roles and laws, are the ways that can lead a society to decrease numbers of teen violence.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Ella Goman: Teen Violence
The family is the first circle children experience in their lives; that is why, the home environment is primary responsible for teen violence. Parents play a significant role in a child’s education. Children sometimes experience abnormal home life, such as drunken parents, bad relationship between the father and the mother, abuse by a step or biological parents. Kids tend to copy their parents’ behavior; therefore, if they see violence at home, they will grow up as violent individuals. The lack of communication between parents and teenagers may also contribute to the problem of teen violence. Sometimes, parents are very busy; they, consequently, do not pay enough attention to the communication with their children. Teenagers are very sensitive, and they want to be understood. They interpret the lack of communication as indifference. As a result, teens may develop aggressive behavior. Moreover, the bad economic situation in some families may result in antisocial behavior of children. It is natural, that teens want to have more gadgets because they want to be like their peers. Unfortunately, the desirable item sometimes is not achievable because of its cost. Nowadays, a bad economic situation forces families to cut their expenses; some parents, therefore, cannot afford to buy a new gadget for their offspring. This situation leads youth to do criminal deeds, such as theft and stealing. In addition, today’s society has a huge impact on teen violence. Schools and neighborhood can contribute to youths’ aggressive behaviors. Public schools nowadays are the centers of integration. Children from different cultures and different undergrounds spend much time together while learning and doing some other school activities. As a result, racial tension may arise. Teen tend to make cliques at school; they are used to find the “enemy group” and to unleash their aggression against the hostile group. Unfortunately, some schools have very low standards and rules of behavior. Therefore, teens can carry both cold and hot weapons and they can even use them at school. There were several cases of school shootings that occurred in the US and Germany last year. The area of living is the additional factor that contributes to high violence among youth. Almost each city has so-called “bad areas”. It means that the level of violence here is much higher than the average level. Children who grow up in these areas, therefore, have more chances to develop violent behavior. Moreover, an average teenager wants to identify himself with some groups. This drive of self- identification may end up in teen- age gangs just because some peers are in the same gang. These gangs are usually involved in criminal deeds.
The root problem of child’s violence is that the ill society generates the ill individuals. Even though the modern society cannot eliminate violence it can reduce it significantly. Both parents and school from the one side and police and governments from another side must understand that they have to share the responsibility. Special program must be implemented at schools and civic centers; teens must be given opportunities to express themselves in positive ways.
Alex Keung: Teen Violence

Family is a reason that causes teen violence. Family has two different effects on the youth. Firstly, Family’s DNA determines some of children’s personalities before they are born. That is the reason why some children like to share their toys with other children peacefully but some do not. Secondly, parents’ beliefs and values will impact children. As we all know, parents are the first teachers of children. They teach children what is right and how to get along with others. Their behaviors influence children day by day. Therefore, when children grow up to teenagers, parents’ beliefs and values will be the main part of theirs.
Society is another reason that causes teen violence. First, interpersonal relationship, specially, friends impact on teenagers. “If one sheep leaps over the ditch, all the rest will follow.” Teenagers can learn something from their friends. Therefore, if their friends like fighting, they start fighting impulsively too. Second, the Media have a great influence on teenagers. Nowadays, there are a lot of violence and blood scenes on TV, even in a hockey game. In addition teenagers can access the Internet without any limit. No one can regulate the violent online games and web sites. All of these seem to encourage teenagers to accept violence.
We may safely draw the conclusion that family and society are the two reasons that cause teen violence. In order to reduce teen violence, parents should correct themselves at first and teach children how to be upright people. Also, our society should bear greater responsibility and give teenagers more understanding.
Sergey Krylov

Teenager's society is the first cause of their violence. It is a human nature on the one hand. It is natural for people to gather, especially for teenagers. But any person is influenced by a crowd more or less. Unlike an individual, crowd is anonymous and therefore doesn't have any responsibility for doing anything. But instincts prevail over mind for man without responsibility. Man loses ability to think logically in a crowd, only emotions which are received from crowd manage him. It sounds stronger for teenagers. Also, we shouldn't forget about family on the other hand. Usually a child like a sponge imbibes into himself qualities of a background where he lives. If the parents and older siblings drink alcohol and abuse weak people, most likely the child will build his life in the same way.
Mental health is the second cause of teenager's violence. The problem redoubles if a teenager has a congenital or acquired mental disease. In this case it is enough for the teen to get into a violent environment and all his bad qualities become worse. It can happen that movies, computer games or TV programs which aren't dangerous for healthy person, may become a launching trigger for mentally diseased.
The addiction to drugs or alcohol is a particular question. The drug addict, when he is looking for a dose of drugs is absolutely uncontrolled by anybody and anything. Unfortunately, nowadays drugs and alcohol have become more accessible and cheaper. Addiction to smelling household chemicals which appeared in last two decades especially is dangerous because those goods are easily accessible everywhere.
Thus when the teen's violence increases, I think, the state should take main functions to resolve this problem. The state may improve the economy, support families, and fight against criminality. Of course it isn't easy, but teenagers today mean the future of the country tomorrow.
Sepideh Shahverdi: The Internet

However, in the virtual world of the Internet, I can see them and contact with them
regardless of our long distance. Moreover, I can share my thoughts and my pictures
through email, and my parents receive them immediately. Besides, the Internet is really convenient and inexpensive. In the old days, it was so hard to imagine
that people from their houses would be able to connect with others all around the
world. Some people think the internet is a curse; however, it is an important part
of the most people’s lives in world today. There are two main reasons why the
Internet is a blessing.
Information is the most important blessing of the Internet. Firstly, by surfing the
Internet, users can access any kind of information on any topic. All news,
reports, and speeches are at their fingertips; furthermore, they can find their needed
information for their researches on the Internet. Secondly, different websites
provide different information; the Internet users can choose some of them based on
their needs. For instance, if they are searching for a job, they can use specific sites
for job seeking. They just need the know-how to search the information on the
Online services are another blessing of the Internet. Firstly, online banking, for
example, is available twenty-four hours a day seven days a week. If users need
any services such as bill payment or money transfer, they are able to do it immediately on the Internet, so it makes banking services much easier and faster. Secondly, shopping is another great available service on the Internet. Users can purchase at their convenience from their houses and save their time.
In conclusion, the Internet makes a huge different in people’s lives. It provides a lot of information, so the users do not need to go to several libraries. Moreover, some services such as banking and shopping are available online; therefore, people do not have to enter real places. Due to online services, people feel more comfortable, and they can make time for their other activities. In addition, neither time nor distance is object on the Internet. All in all, the Internet can be used as the best and fastest way to find data and receive services; I personally believe that it is a revolution of communication, information, and services. Besides, innovations in this field would be making it better and faster in future.
Marjan Kiany: The Internet

The Internet lets us access all information we need. It gives us useful information from all over the world. Students can study or research on the Internet. It makes education process easier. Several years ago, when people wanted to study or read a book, they would have to go to the libraries or bookstores to find the book which they were needed. Also, if we needed information for individual purposes, or about any other subjects, we would have to go to the related place where they had information about that subject. In addition, we have quick access to global data. By googling and writing two or three words of the subject, The Internet will connect us to the sources of that. Moreover, there is no need to leave the house or work place to buy something or receive some information. Just by clicking of the mouse, every thing will be done.
On the other hand, we can keep in touch with people. We have some relationship with our relatives who are important to us. Many years ago, people used to send hand written letters to each other. It took time to receive them, or sometimes, they were being delivered to wrong addresses. Nowadays, we can send an electronic letter (E-mail) in a few seconds, while there is no need to stamp it. Also, we noticed that whether the letter was delivered to the exact address or not by a massage. Even, we can have discussions with our relatives in chat rooms and see each other at the same time. In our business relationships, we use the Internet as well. We can trade data, services or goods by the Internet. The customers satisfy their needs online and receive quotes for the appropriate prices. Moreover, some people do their businesses online. They advertise on some websites and offer their services, so a person or a company who required these services make a contract with them, confirm it and do their trade by the Internet.
Everyone looks forward to saving their time and energy. People use the Internet to have access information in a short time, or to have relationship with family and trade marketing. In the current century, we can see how many advanced technologies surround us. This high-tech may become a usual technology after while since humans always try to invent new things. We might witness humans cloning other humans who can walk, eat, talk or think.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Farnaz Asadi: Globalization
First advantage of globalization is on job opportunities. When Iran tried to globalize, a lot of new jobs appeared and these jobs helped people to find the job they wanted more easily. Also it has increased the amount of monthly salary. Another effect of globalization on jobs is on the increased number of people who go are sent to other countries for work. This is a good opportunity for people to work with higher salaries and excel in their jobs and also other opportunities for living, studying and using the benefits of that country.
The second advantage of globalization is on the culture. This is one of the most important effects that globalized countries have had on Iran. When we compare our today’s lives in Iran with twenty years ago, we see a big difference in people’s thoughts and behaviors. Nowadays, people have become more open-minded. To illustrate, in a family, members have the opportunity to approach and get closer to each other. In the past, it was so hard to talk about a subject that nobody in a family agreed on. When something was banned in a family, all members had to obey that rule and nobody could object. Thanks to the globalization, today, people are more flexible in their ideas, and they can talk about their ideas to each other even if other members of the family do not agree. Furthermore, now women have more freedom than before. They can vote, study and work just men, and nobody has the right to force them not to. Globalization has had other effects on our daily lives, too. To illustrate, we should compare our today’s lifestyle with our grandparents’. The way that people used to dress in the past was totally different from that of today. In the past, people would wear Iranian style clothes more, but today we try to wear clothes that are in vogue in other countries. Moreover, globalization has affected our food culture and what we would eat in the past. Nowadays, people are used to eating fast food more than ever before. There are many different restaurants that serve the cuisine of other countries. Such an Indian, Chinese, Italian, Greek and other favorite eateries that have appeared during the last two decades.
These effects were just some of the impacts of globalization that are changing people’s lives. Most of these effects are as beneficial as mentioned before and help people to live better and more easily. In my idea, no county must try to protect itself against becoming globalized if they do not want to be left behind. Because our world is thriving so fast that is hard for third world countries to reach them, they have to let this process happen and help them to improve, too.
Farnaz Asadi: Military Service
Firstly, military service has a bad influence on young people. It increases the hatred in people’s hearts and makes them very insensitive. Also, during the military service, these people learn how to hate others and fight and kill in order to survive. Sometimes, they even begin to hate their own country; because in some countries people are forced to attend the military service and in some cases they run away before their term. The reason is, sometimes they have to be far from their families for a long time and they cannot tolerate this situation. Furthermore, young people go to the military in their teenage. In addition, when they are in the company of their peers, they get a lot of bad effects and sometimes they cannot distinguish what is right and what is wrong. For instance, most teenagers start smoking in the period of military service, because all the time they are with their peers and they get distracted.
Secondly, in Iran the way military service is administered by the government is not fair to everyone. To illustrate, some people who are well-to do can buy the years of military service and most of them help their children to avoid draft by paying the cost of is. Also, some people can get dismissed because of very basic and simple problems like having a sweaty palm or poor eye sight. On the other hand, some people have no chance to get dismissed even if they have very bad considerable circumstances, like being the only person in the family who can work and help the family.
The facts that mentioned before are just some of the bad effects of attending military service. Certainly there are other ways to protect a country rather than homicide and teaching it to people. People can defend their countries by finding a good way to have relationship with other people and tell them that they are looking for peace in the world and fight and war is the worst way.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Cheol Ho Lee: Body Image
Media and fashion are important causes for having a poor body image. Tons of TV commercials are concerned with body images such as cosmetics, diet food, plastic surgery and apparels. In addition, filming locations, good looking actors and actresses on movies make people mention about their body image. As a result, TV commercials and movies stimulate people’s emotion. Second, fashion is the other cause of poor image, because people want to be like models in popular fashion magazines and want to have a good body shape like a fashion model.
As a result, there are two important effects that are due to the causes. Health problems, such as obesity and anorexia, are the health effects. Both young and old people eat a lot when they have stress which is from their poor body image. On the contrary, young people start extreme diet which leads them anorexia eventually. Either obesity or anorexia leads serious health problems. In addition, losing self-esteem is the other effect of poor body image. People compare themselves to each other always, and then conclude that others are better. Consequently, people begin to lose self-esteem. Moreover, people don’t try to show their abilities when they lose self-confidence. After that, people feel like failures.
In conclusion, there are two important causes and effects for poor body image that people don’t want to be. Those two effects lead serious health problems in both young and old people, so people have to stay clever to make their body image better.
Sepideh Shahverdi: Body Image
There are two important causes that lead people to have a poor body image. Firstly, media has a big influence on people. Commercial advertisements which cost billions dollars persuade people to use beauty products; people are brainwashed by them into believing that they are not good as they are. As a result, people use the products enthusiastically to improve their body images. In addition, movies have a great power to change people’s thoughts on their body images. Some people always want to look like super stars. Secondly, culture is another important influence that makes people have poor body image. All social groups have their own definition of body image; moreover, they have different judgment about beauty, ugliness, fatness, and thinness.
Consequently, there are two important effects of having a poor body image. Firstly poor body image can cause losing self confidence, so people cannot be successful in their lives. They always think others are better than them; they cannot have a good relationship with others. Consequently, they feel not only gloomy but also lonely. Secondly, poor body image can cause health problems. It makes people nervous, for they are always worried about their personal appearance. Besides, people can be depressed by their poor body images, for they are disappointed in their whole lives.
In conclusion, all people around the world appreciate beauty. Some people always suffer from their poor body images; they are always afraid of being judged by their appearance. This image is caused by the attraction of media or the beliefs of their cultures. It also has some effects like the lack of self confidence and some mental diseases. As a result, poor body image can ruin one’s whole life. People must pay attention that they are created so unique that even none of human fingerprints are alike. If people consider that they all have their own unique beauty, they can really solve this problem.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Sepideh Shahverdi: Online Shopping

so they can brows through the selection of merchandise. The Internet is a big part of everyday
life in the world today. Online shopping is a new technology to purchase merchandise; it
provides with development of the Internet. This new method of shopping attracts some
customers, so they prefer it to traditional shopping. Besides, there are some helpful websites that
have become wild spread to costumers. Personally, I prefer online shopping because of two
main reasons: convenience and information.
Convenience is the one important reason why I prefer online shopping. First of all, I do not
Feel worry when I shop online. I am free to move in any where I wish, for I am not supposed to
enter to an actual store; as a result, I can shop online regardless of how the weather is. Secondly,
I am a busy person, for my school work takes me a lot of time. . Not only is it a good way to save
Time, but also it helps me to make time to study more and do other important things such as my
chores and looking after my child.
Information is another important reason why I prefer online shopping. I can receive all
information that I need from the Internet. All details about merchandise such as their colors,
textures, prices, and materials are available on online sores; moreover, I can reach them easily
and fast. In addition, I can purchase every thing that I need from all around the world. If I need
the specific product of a foreign country, I can easily order it online. For example, if I wanted a
book or a movie which is only available in a certain country, I would have the capability to buy it
In conclusion, I would rather shop online than in store because of two main reasons. Firstly, I
can purchase every thing in the convenience of my home. In fact, instead of wasting time
going to the mall, I would make the mall come to me. Much information about merchandise is
available on the internet, and a lot of products of the whole world are at my fingertip. I really
enjoy online shopping.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Ella Goman: Internet Shopping

Nowadays, people are able to choose their preferable way to do shopping. The first way, the old one, means visiting a shop and choosing merchandise in person, while the second way implies shopping at the click of a mouse. Some people still like to shop in person, but I argue the on-line shopping is preferable because of both convenience and competitive prices.
Another argument for the virtual shopping is my ability to have a good price, a better one than I can find in a real shop. The competition is the name of the game; the more sellers/shops are in the Internet, the better the price they offer to people. For instance, I use EBAY (Canada) site for my shopping. Sometime, I can find at certain items at good price, but its delivery is very expensive. Therefore, I am looking for another seller who provides even no-cost delivery in order to encourage me to buy at his on-line shop. After doing my calculation, I usually choose the best total price from a variety of options. In addition, I can put my own bid in the Internet auction. In this case, I offer my own price for the specific item, and if it is good enough, I can buy at a bargain. In this situation, the waiting time may be longer than usual, but the price is worth it. Last month, for example , we bought some kind of TV cord from the Hong –Kong seller on the EBAY , and the price was five time less than the price in the real shop.
Charlie Lee: Shooping

Today, online shopping is gaining considerable popularity. Many people would rather shop on the internet than in store. Although there are some disadvantages of the internet shopping, I prefer in – store shopping. There are three advantages as follows.
I can compare goods or articles among different brands directly in stores. For instance, there are more than 10 popular laptop brands which have unique designs but different options and functions in same price; in addition, consumers have different flavors. Some consumer just considers design, but some considers operating programs. It isn’t enough to compare among 10 laptops on the websites, even though there are many explains about it, so in - store shopping is much more convenient for both information and comparison.
Last, both return and exchange is very easy in stores, even though the article is opened. Either whole sale or retail stores have customer centre, in which buyers can return or exchange in certain period without penalties. Moreover, the process is very simple. Return or exchange is very hard on the internet mall, and consumers have to spend more money for shipping, which takes longer time than stores. Internet shopping malls charges penalties for return or exchange sometimes. That is painful.
Yvonne Wen
Shopping in a store is a kind of way to relax myself during shopping. For example, when I get upset with something, I will go shopping that is not any subjects I want to buy. While I look at the merchandises which are colorful, wonderful and attractive, I will not dwell on unhappy things, although I don’t buy them. Also once I have spare time, I prefer to go shopping .It is great thing to do without stress and argument. I can look at which I really want to see and buy. Finally, I might get something.
I can buy something which I exactly want and get some unexpected in stores. While I am purchasing some merchandise in stores I can touch them in person, and then make a better decision that could avoid impulse buying. Sometimes I can get something unexpected, but they are pretty right for me, but I never get them before.
I really enjoy shopping in stores rather than online shopping. It has been part of my life; some of my friends say that you are addicted to shopping. However, I like to do that.
Jason Feng: Internet Shopping

Shopping online has become more and more common nowadays. Many people prefer shopping on the Internet, but others still do their shopping in stores. I enjoy both shopping on the Internet and in store.
I would like to purchase such commodities as books, software, CDs and DVDs on the Internet. It is very convenient to buy and use such kind of commodities on the Internet. I just click the items and pay them online; the online stores would transfer those books or music to my computer through internet in a few minutes. Moreover, I could transfer those books and music to my laptop or cell phone, or even to my car. Therefore, I can enjoy those books and music everywhere I go. Besides, it’s an ecological way of shopping such kind of commodities, because we can save a huge amount of paper, plastic and other materials what those commodities are made from; therefore, this kind of shopping could conserve trees, forest and other natural resource, and help to conserve our nature environment eventually.
On the other hand, when I shop for concrete commodities such as clothes, shoes and furniture, I would like to shop in stores. The invincible advantage of shopping in stores is that I can see and touch those items I want to buy, and I can try them before I pay the money. I can try on the clothes and shoes, and see how they look on me and how they fit me. I do enjoy such kind of shopping in department stores and shopping malls, and it is a great pleasure for me.
Both kind of shopping are enjoyable. I will shop both on the Internet and in stores in the coming future.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Sepideh Shaverdi: Marriage between Religions
Firstly, this kind of marriage is based on love. Love is a great thing, and it makes us happy. Love is the strong romantic feeling for someone, regardless of his background or religion. Love can explain every thing itself. Actually, we have to make sure that this love is our strongest love. If our love to our family, our culture, and our religion is stronger than it, we will not be able to deal with our problems.
Secondly, to make this marriage work; we have to keep an open mind to understand our spouse’s culture and respect it .I believe that all religions are the same in their main ideas. Their differences are in their details. As a result, we can share our similarities. Also, we have to respect our children’s right to choose their religion. Usually children follow their parents’ religion. In this marriage they would choose each of them. Therefore, I would let my children follow their father‘s religion. I would love him and love my children exactly the same way. It does not matter what religion they would have.
I n conclusion, if we want each other from our hearts, we can support our marriage. Also, we have to make a lot of sacrifices because of family values. Actually, I know some happy couples of different faith.
Good luck to those couples who make it work.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Sepideh Shahverdi: Same-Sex marriage
Homosexuals are the members of our society. Usually, we see them, and we read or hear some news about them. If we like them or dislike them, nothing will be changed. They live around us like other members of our society, so we should accept them. Unfortunately, some people hate them. They think that homosexuals are against God, and God hates them, too. However, God hates nobody. God hates our bad behaviors and thoughts. Actually, God loves everybody unconditionally. Also, it is their private lives. As long as they do not cause problems for others, they can do what they want. In my opinion, they can marry and live together.
The homosexual activists have tried to tell people that they are born in that way. Firstly, their creation is different from ours. Their emotions are absolutely different. For example, maybe they are physically men, but emotionally women. When we see a man who is wearing feminine clothes and puts on makeup, it means his thoughts and his emotions are like a woman. Secondly, their views are different. Their satisfaction is different, so they like to have relationship and marry a same sex partner. This marriage causes the feeling of
happiness for them.
Furthermore, in a democracy, same sex marriage should be allowed. They need freedom like others to choose a partner for marriage. If they fall in love with someone, so they can marry him or her. Also, they have the same rights as other people. Actually, they are equal to others. They should have the right to marry by law.
In conclusion, I agree with same sex marriage. Homosexuals are a part of our society. However, their feeling and thinking are absolutely different from us. We cannot deny them. A legal marriage is a basic human right, so they should be allowed to get married and have their own families.